The answer was a clear ‘move on!’ which my ego found quite challenging, but then I have something like 18 years of effort invested in the magazine and the archive. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many talented and gifted people in the publishing of the eZine over the years, so many fascinating stories and interviews. I’m so grateful to the community of contributors and subscribers who have been instrumental in my own, and hopefully many of your spiritual journey(s). You will see that the site has reverted from paid to free which means in Weebly-land that the current URL will revert to I’ll leave the site up for a while so that this month’s articles are available, but you will notice that no new articles will be appearing. You may also notice some of the links to articles are broken, many appologies for this. I hope you can still find your favourite author through the author list on the RHS. The March 2023 newsletter will be last I send out relating to the Magic of Being so thank you so much for taking an interest and signing up. It’s been wonderful to be part of the changes taking place on the earth at this time, I hope you enjoy the ride, it’s going to be wild! With Love, Colin.
Yet, with the immense cosmic energies which were opened on the 21 December 2022, and with the intense codes the Green Comet activated in human kind on so many levels which we will start to feel more intensely in the next few weeks, months and years, all has accelerated now, to such an extent, that many of us, who were the pioneers, now find that we need more rest, that we need to have more time out, and go even deeper into our soul reserves, as backed up by the Cosmic Teams, and the Divine, than ever before. As this is a year of even greater mass awakening, we need to now allow those who woke up since 2012, to assist us, through this process, as we, the pioneers, now need to go through a far more intense process of fully assuming our new Lightbody forms. After all, that is why were the forerunners, the pioneers, and way showers. We are indeed being prepared for the highest mastery, in ways we may not even now comprehend, nor understand. It is almost like we need more rest, and need more alone time and quiet time, in order to allow the Keys and Codes which have been released since December and even more so with the comet, to be fully activated within us. With it the balance, between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, is ushering in huge changes in all our human relationships, as we finally realize that we cannot create a new way of life in the New Earth, if we are not in balance and harmony within ourselves, and indeed have healed our own woundedness. And that woundedness will show up, not only in ourselves, but in all whom we encounter. The collective woundedness, as deep healing is occurring between the Masculine and Feminine. The shift is deeper within. With this comes vulnerability, fragileness, as we are being cleaved open more and more, and often tears will come, because we our hearts open more and more, as we heal. After all we are here to bring heaven to earth, and while we are in our earthly bodies, we have and will experience everything which makes us hu-man, until we ascend into our true Christ/Buddhic new life and embodiment. Let us be compassionate, and open to the process. This goes very deep. It goes through all the layers of the Adamic 6th Race of humans, as we transfigured into the 7th Earth and the 7th Earthly 5th to 7th to 9th dimensional Light-bodies as totally new creations! Therefore let the past go. It has gone forever. In this present moment the New You, the fragile you, is being recreated – into the whole you, the true Master Soul you in truth are! So let us dream the New Earth and New Golden Age into form and being, but at the same time, allow our old Adamic and Eve and Lilith self to dissolve forever. We are not that anymore. We are starting to walk the old dreamtime again, and we are going to walkabouts as we return to tuning into the Song lines of the Earth, the Celestial tones, which the Crystal Pyramids emit, as they are all fully reactivated now. Let us allow our soul songs to rise and let us remember the Ancient/New Songs which are now being downloaded into us, as we return to the 7th heaven, in the New Earth. And as for us, who are the Way Showers, the Path blazers, the Pioneers, remember that we are now being prepared in huge ways, for the next surge forward. It is time to simply allow the process of preparation to strip away the last vestiges of what is still there lurking within our human-ness, which needs to be transfigured now. It is time to assist each other through this process, with unconditional love, in unity and harmony, and ever knowing, that in truth, we all are one. The One and the Many. Together we are already paving the way, for the New 7th Earth in the fullness of its Glory, as she is making her presence felt more and more, and nurturing the new Genius, the New Heart, the New Soul of the New 7th Root Highly Evolved Master Race of Christed/Buddhic Master Race. More than this, even when our physical bodies have a hard time keeping up with the changes, know that all is perfectly unfolding. Onwards, upwards, we go, as the Seraphim are singing us into the New Creation.
The Heart center is that football-sized powerhouse in the middle of our chest that holds our connection to Source, where the light body is annealed to the physical body. It is a “muscle” that taps our true guidance system, where all of the universal knowledge resides. The mind’s guidance system, on the other hand, is easily manipulated and limited to the memory it can hold. Our heart center is the source of our existence and the ticket to the other dimensions, a place the dark so desperately wishes they could go to. High-frequency, authentic emotions like peace, love, passion, purpose, gratitude, excitement, and joy are found in the heart center. When we train ourselves to draw from this Source, then we begin to create a high-frequency reality that mirrors our authentic selves. We are no longer making decisions that we think (mind) we have to; we are making decisions based on what we feel and want (heart). We start to create a truly divine experience that is ‘un-hackable.’ If we can consistently operate from the heart center, then we flip our own switch, and we can create whatever we want; we are multidimensional beings, so we can tune these vessels to whatever frequency we like and go there instantly. Source energy, the real us, is so incredible and limitless that it is almost too difficult to fathom for most of us; our minds are too limited to understand. This transition to living and breathing in the heart center, also referred to as going within, grows your light body and recalibrates it to your physical body; it is the ascension process. Ascension has been sold as if you ‘send your ass” somewhere; you don’t go anywhere; we are the technology for ascension. Flip the switch, light up this vessel and project your heaven around you; YOU create it here. We don’t run from this dark reality; we shine so much light on it that the dark has no place to play. And if we all did this the ancient war would be over, instantly and peacefully. Seriously. Do You Get It? Do you really get that it really possible that the kill switch to all the elaborate enslavement by the ‘dark” is right under your nose, right now? |
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February 2023