This begins on the 22nd July when the Sun moves into the Constellation of Leo, and then gathers momentum through the “Day out of Time” on the 25th July and the Planetary New Year on the 26th July. This is when the Royal Lions of Regulus and Sirius assist in the birthing of a new time line, ormolu correctly, a new time spiral for the New Earth. Time is a Diamantine spiral of Creative Power that allows Beings of Light and Spirit to manifest and create in a material or physical setting. It is the creative energy of the original desire for knowledge and experience that initiated the dawn of creation, and which continues to power the ongoing Ascension/Creation process. In recent past years, the Lions Gate has been relatively powerful, with Full Moons and Eclipses falling within the Gateway period. This year, it is quiet, for you have already passed through the Triple Eclipse Portal between the 5th of June and the 5th of July, and this prepared you for the Lions Gate. So, this year, you begin the transit as in the Sun moves into Leo, and as the Sun rises conjunct with the Blue Star Sirius in the Dawn sky in the Northern Hemisphere. The 25th July, the Day out of Time, allows you to let go and release the past year’s time spiral and to make space to activate the New Time Spiral. Be mindful on the 25th and release what you do not want to take with you into the next Galactic cycle. Then, on the 26th, you will be ready to set intentions for the next cycle of life and evolution, both for yourself and for the Planet. We ask you to be aware that this will, nevertheless, be a powerful transit, not least because Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are gathering, in retrograde, in the 10th house of Capricorn, while on the 8/8 which is the apex of the Gate period, the Moon and Mars will be in Aries. This suggests, Beloved Ones, that the current collective energies of dis-ease and dissension will continue as old energies are released, and the emotions and responses of people continue to be aggressive and confrontational. Those who are wise will use this energy to stand in their power in a firm yet gentle way and to be creative even if the energy is unstable at times. You can be sure, dearest ones, that these difficult energies will continue at least until the end of the year. So, resolve to find your Inner Peace and Stability to support your path forward. Your Heart is the Center of Peace and Light Beloved Ones, it is only within your Sacred Heart that you will find a Space of Peace and Balance. There is so much in your outer reality that is chaotic and out of balance. This flow of “chaos” is the result of the collapse of the structures or “containers” that held the old ways in places for so long. As they collapse, the energy they contain is released into a powerful and turbulent flow of chaos. While chaos is always a creative energy, seeding new ideas and new ways of being, it can be exhausting to be continually swept up in the maelstrom of energy and emotion. Within this cauldron, many people are fixating on ideas and ways of thinking that seem to explain things for them. They have difficulty in letting go of the idea of narratives within narratives, and their busy minds keep “hopping” from one rabbit hole to the next. To be a Master of Energy right now is to be outside of the narratives, and simply within that place of infinite Quiet and Peace that is the Temple of the Heart. Beloved Masters, as you meditate and go into Silence, you access the Diamond Light Body and draw the Diamond Light particles and codes into your Heart. There, you can balance Heaven and Earth, Masculine and Feminine, in the One Spiral off Crystalline Light that is the Consciousness of One. The more you can rest in this Consciousness of One, the more you will move into the Present, the NOW, and the more easily you will transit through this Lions Gate on the 8/8. The Search for Sacred Wisdom : Sophia and the Feminine Divine Light In this new Golden Age that is arising, you will be led forward by the power of the Divine Feminine energy of Sophia. In Gnostic tradition, she is the Hidden Wisdom of the Feminine Aspect of the Divine. Sophia is the veiled Divinity who is always hidden. She cannot be found in the outer reality, but only by going deep within and coming to know yourself. It is here that you will encounter your “hidden” Mastery and Power. It is here that you will confront chaos and learn hoe to be the wing of the butterfly that shapes destiny within the chaos. The deep instinctual wisdom of Sophia will aid you to become the rising archetype for the next cycle of experience, the World Dancer. The World Dancer is the Feminine power of Sophia in her form of Shakti, who dances and shapes reality in her steps. No matter how powerful the storms, She dances with absolute Grace and Skill. Her story arises not from words but from her Graceful Movement through Time and Space within Many Dimensions. You will feel her dance as she creates a path of Beauty and Love that is beyond words and exists in the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness and which is anchored in the 5th Dimensional New Earth by you as Master Dancers of the New Reality. ……and the Royal Lions are Here! Always present at the Lions Gate are the Powerful and Regal Beings who are the Guardians of the 8/8 Portal and Teachers of the High Wisdom of Sirius and Regulus (Alpha Leonis). As the Sun advances through Leo towards Virgo/Regulus, the very high frequency blue white light of Regulus accelerates the Diamantine Time Crystals and creates the conditions for each soul to accelerate their time line and begin a new cycle, at the other side of the Lions Gate, and at a Higher Frequency of Consciousness. This can only be achieved by a meditative focus on the Lions Gate transit, and by not being distracted into lower frequencies at this crucial time. The Royal Lions will walk with you and work with you to assist you to stay on purpose and achieve such Mastery. But, as we have said, you can only achieve this if you are balanced in your heart and your inner wisdom, and you have the skill to “dance” with the new frequencies in absolute mastery. This means that your time can not be taken up in duality and conflict, which will slow you down and cause you to lose your rhythm and flow. In this period you must be in clear intention and clear focus as to what you will create through your Dance of Diamond Light in the New Earth. Chaos there may be, Beloved Ones, but you are learning the inner wisdom to ride the waves and create Harmonic Patterns of Light, Love and Joy. Try not to allow yourself to be distracted or to fall in frequency. Be mindful of those who are here to support you - your Soul Families and tribes in physical incarnation as well as your Angelic and Galactic Families of Light! They will not allow you to fall. They will hold you in their Love, Beloved Masters. We wish you Joy and Creation At this Lions Gate 2020.
It is a challenging time, that is certain. But please do not allow yourself to be pulled into the despair or the illusions and delusions that are so current at the moment. Just know that if you are reading this you are an awakened soul who has everything they need within themselves to find peace, calm and serenity in these difficult and challenging times of change. Remember to Breathe...doing Shamanic or Angelic breathing exercises will help you to stay centered in your heart. Doing your daily Gratitude practice will help you to ground into the blessings that you have, and doing a meditation such as the "Eye of the Storm" will help you to stay calm when there is chaos all around you. I came home from being out a few days ago and I was just so off center I could feel the energy raging around me, so doing the "Eye of the Storm" was so helpful. I wanted to tell you about the Three Eclipses that are coming up in June/July and that will effect our energies. The first is on this Friday the 5th of June and is a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (Sun in Gemini). This is a Fire Moon which is powerful and volatile, but it also transits the Galactic center, so we can expect powerful Light Code transmissions from the Galactic Center anchoring new spiritual energies for our communities. On the lower levels of consciousness, we may see more anger and conflict "on the ground". How you deal with this is up to you, but I would suggest staying calm and in your heart, focussed on love and compassion. The Second Eclipse is on the 21st of June, and is a day after the Solstice on the 20th June. This will be an annular Solar Eclipse in Cancer, so it will activate the Divine Feminine aspects on the Solar Ray. Think Mary Magdalene and Sekmet, the powerful Feminine with a touch of the Royal Lion/ess. I really do expect this to be a powerful time globally, and one where we will be asked to step into our mastery and hold the energy of peace once again. The Third Eclipse will be on the 5th of July, leading us towards the Galactic New Year on the 26th July. For those of you in the USA, this will be the day after the 4th of July Independence Day celebrations. I think you can expect fireworks on many levels.This will be another Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, this time in Capricorn. Powerful? You bet! Pluto and Jupiter are conjunct in Capricorn, amplifying energies of change and transformation on the planet. We will be receiving new codes for further deep levels of transformation. I will be working with these energies with my colleagues Anastasia Hayes Piper and Pam Thiel as we offer the Global Crystal Skulls activation series, with one on each of the three eclipses. You can read more about them here : StarchildGlobal/ThreeEclipses With much love and deep blessings to all of you, Celia Copyright © 2020 StarchildGlobal, All rights reserved.
Colin:- You worked as a University Academic before moving towards a career in healing and therapy, can you tell us how that move came about? Celia:-Thank you, Colin, for allowing me to connect with you and your readers in this way, it is such a pleasure for me. My first “career” was as an English teacher, as I have a PhD in English literature and philosophy. As I look back, it was the place where I was “trained” to write, speak and teach and to be at ease with large groups of people. I was born as a “crystal” being and I have always been “psychic” and in touch with my higher self and its guidance. My family was very academic, we have lots of Phds and MAs, so I was just doing what was normal for us and followed the family route. But, I also wanted to explore and develop the spiritual side of self, so this interest developed in tandem with my academic studies. Exploring the influence of the Divine Feminine energy in poetry was basically the topic of my doctoral dissertation! Anyway, there came a time when I was told by my higher self that it was time to move on. I couldn’t believe it, I had a tenured post, great career and potential as a writer and academic, but they told me to move and so I did. I spent a year kind of looking around and qualified as an Aromatherapist, which I never practised, because things fell into place for me to work as a psychic and healer. I worked as a full time healer for nearly ten years, in which time I developed a technique called “Bio-energetics” and then an Ascension activation technique, before I began my work as a channel and global spiritual facilitator. Colin:- In your early Earth Log Reports you say that you first began serious Ascension work in 2001, how would you describe your Ascension work and how did that come about? Celia:- Well in reality, the Ascension activation technique that I developed was in the late 1990s. Then in 2001, I met a person who had been close to Maharishi, and I went through a rapid kundalini awakening and was “introduced” into the “circle” of the eastern yogi masters past and present. It was very traumatic actually, as I had no real idea what was going on with my energy. My healing ability was increased exponentially, but I found it difficult to work with people. People were spooked by me because my energy made them tingle and buzz, and I didn’t know how to deal with it. Fortunately, Spirit told me that I needed to become a channel and that I needed to stop healing as the energy was too powerful for one on one healing. So, the end of successful career number two, and the beginning of this phase of my work. It was probably the most difficult transition, as the frequency shifts I had to go through to hold the Michael energy and transmit the information was very taxing on my physical system. I was “rebirthed” on practically every level. Whew! What a ride! Anyway by 2004 I was focussed and Starchild was born. Originally, there were other people involved with Starchild, but it kept collapsing, so I was instructed to make it a vehicle for my work and channels, and since then I have just expanded the work. But , right now I am feeling as though I am on the cusp of another transition, so lets see.... Colin:- You describe your great affinity with the Cetaceans, the dolphins and the whales, as I think many on the ascension journey have discovered, how did you first come into contact with them? Celia:- I have always felt an affinity with Dolphins, and of course, where I live in South Africa is the probably the best place in the world for land based whale watching! The Southern Right Whales visit our shores for mating and birthing between July and November. Actually, last week-end a friend and I spent a day with the whales at Walker Bay in preparation for the 11:11 work. So, I was contacted by the whale consciousness and told that I needed to go and work with them. This involved driving along the coast to find the pods and then interacting with them. I worked for two seasons with a friend called Terry. We had a great adventure, climbing up and down cliffs and over rocks, communing and photographing and me writing up the experiences in the “Dolphin Diaries”. After a while, the Whales would contact me before I left the house and tell me where I would find them and what they wanted me to do. It was so magical. Looking back, the experience with the whales served to expand my consciousness very rapidly. On one occasion we found a single whale that was very close to the shore. We sat a few yards from this creature for about an hour and a half. We toned to the whale for a while, and when we started the whale heaved itself up in the water to stare at us. Wow....goose flesh... I cannot tell you what a thrill that was, and the expansion of consciousness was immense. I have some of the pictures I took on the website. At that time I was also working with a distance healing technique called “Aura Sonics” which involved toning and the transmission of healing light through sound. The whales helped me to develop this technique, although I was told to stop doing it when Starchild grew bigger, as the energy demand on me was too great. In 2007, I held a “Whale week” here in South Africa that was attended by people, mostly from Europe and the UK. This was the culmination of this work, before I began the global travel that I am currently doing. Colin:- You have published so much information about Indigo-Crystal Children, how did you first start working with them, what was it that guided you to them? Celia:- Well, Colin, the work with the Indigo and Crystal children was actually where I began my work with Archangel Michael. At the time I wrote my book, “The Indigo Crystal Adventure”, it was only Steve Rother and Lee Caroll who were talking about Indigos. Of course now there are many people doing this work, and that is wonderful. Steve Rother was a big influence when I started out as a channel, and I was thrilled to meet him and his lovely wife and partner, Barbara, in Moscow earlier this year. I was guided into this work by Archangel Michael, but it happened at the tail end of my healing career, so I actually specialized in Indigo and Crystal children for a while and met many of them and their parents. I even did two hours on South African talk radio on the topic. I did come to realize that there was nothing really that could be done to help these children within the current social systems, as the purpose of these beings was to help us to change these systems, which is the topic of my book. Of course, the Indigo and Crystal children and adults have been the spiritual force behind the transformations of the Ascension process. We owe them a great deal! I was guided to start The Starchild Children’s Foundation in South Africa three years ago to support children within my community, and I have also appreciated the support that I have received from my readers in the work with children on the material level. Colin:- I loved reading your advice for Adult Indigos who are moving to the Crystal energy, I found such a resonance with the energy of the words. How would you describe an Adult Indigo to someone who may not even realise they are an Indigo, but have been drawn to read about them? Celia:- My concept of an Indigo adult is probably different to what many people believe. In my view, the Ascension process takes people through the Indigo and Crystal energies into the Heart space of enlightened awareness. So, anyone who is in the process of awakening becomes an Indigo- Crystal before they enter what I term the “Sacred Rose” consciousness of the Ascended Christ energy. My new book that I am working on now is called “The Sacred Heart and the Sacred Rose” and is about the work I have done in the last two years with Mary Magdalene and the Ascended Christ consciousness as channelled through the Divine Feminine energy. Mary Magdalene worked in France and western Europe and she was guided by Archangel Michael. This time now is when her teachings and her wisdom are being rediscovered and I am very honoured to be able to work with them both. Colin:- Your channellings from Archangel Michael must be some of the most forwarded messages around, their energy and guidance have been so helpful to so many, can you give us an insight into how you started your relationship with Michael? Celia:- I first encountered Archangel Michael when I was about 7 years old. He appeared to me, and I was very startled. But, I think it was to remind me that he was watching over me and that we had a “date” later in life! When I began to work as a channel I knew that this presence had been with me for most of my life. It has been a wonderful privilege and adventure to share the Ascension energy reports with people for the last few years. It is always wonderful for me how they are always so accurate about the energies and the processes that we pass through in our journey of transformation. The channel for this month of November is very special, and it is a culmination of the work I have been doing over the last few years with the Sacred Heart and the Twin Flame energy. The Sacred Heart meditation that was given to me by Archangel Michael has been a central part of the work I have done with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua in the last few years. And now, the Sacred Rose meditation completes this phase of the work and prepares us for the rapid acceleration of change that is coming in the next two years. Colin:- You also used your Earth Log Reports to give us a glimpse of your wonderful journeys throughout the world, what lead you to travel in this way? Celia:- Nothing really, it was just a natural development of the work that I did with the website. Of course, it was guided by Spirit, but I never had to do anything, the opportunities just flowed to me. It has been a great privilege and pleasure to work all around the Planet with Family of Light and to meet people from different countries and cultures. I have built many wonderful connections and friendships in the process. And I have truly realized that we are all One. Wherever I go, Family of Light are the same, open and loving and warm. It is that fact that makes it possible for me to venture out on my own. I do travel all over on my own, and I have got used to navigating airports and air travel in several languages. So, much of this was reported in the Earth Logs. However, the function of the Earth Logs was really to allow me to write about my own feelings and perceptions of what is happening on the Planet and how we can perceive the changes and transformations in a positive way. Really, because so much is changing so rapidly, many people become confused and anxious when their support systems seem to fail, and the Earth Logs helped me to provide another perception of what is happening and to share the inner wisdom that I have.I always enjoy the responses from my readers, and of course, as you know, I also maintain a presence on Facebook that allows me to interact more directly with my readers. Thank you so much for allowing me to be present with your readers in this way and to share some of my thoughts and feelings. I do appreciate the support, and I wish you so much love and joy in your work! We are in such a powerful period of transformation, experiencing such miracles, that we can only celebrate the privilege of being here at this time. Colin: Thanks so much Celia, for your time and energy. |
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