In the coming days we invite you to begin to notice where and when you hold, speak or feel some form of limitation. Just notice without judgment. Become aware of these thoughts, beliefs and patterns. Once there is an awareness there is an opportunity to shift, transform or release these patterns and replace them with a more expanded point of view.
Allow yourself to gently flow into the possibilities. Do not get caught in the illusion of being powerless. You will find the perfect way to observe these habits, these daily patterns of routine thinking and being. One simple process is to begin to change one pattern per day. This practice of changing a familiar action or patterns will reset the pathways in your brain. Little by little you will begin to recognize when you have set a limited reality. You are operating in an energy field of unconscious limitation. It is easy to energetically match that field of unconscious limitation and become trapped in the illusion of being powerless. Empathy leads you always to match the energy of those around you, notice how you are feeling to understand, when you are in a limited state of mind. The key as so many of you know is to engage with practices that encourage you to stay conscious of the moment. We observe that most earthwalkers toggle between regrets of the past or fear and worry of the future. It is just takes a moment’s notice for you to recognize that pattern within yourself. The invitation is to become aware and awake to your own personal power. You are unlimited. Begin to step into the possibilities of your unlimited potential. The quantum field is always reflecting energy patterns that are offered by those dwelling in that energy field. There are personal energy patterns and there are collective energy patterns. These energy patterns always offer an opportunity for transformation, once they are recognized. Celestials and galactic frequencies are always being offered to humanity, triggering code, inspirations, awakenings, and divine understandings. There are times when these gifted frequencies are more powerful to more individuals. However, they are available to all those who open up to the possibilities. Each day is the opportunity for expansion of consciousness. You can begin to ask for signs when you realize that the universe is always communicating with you, in you sleep, in your daily activities, in conversations, with epiphanies and synchronicities. Begin to pay attention. You are creating at every moment of your life. So begin to ask the question, is what I am saying, claiming, and focusing upon something that I want to experience? The emotions of worry or fear are strong emotional energies that often propel a limited belief or pattern to manifest. There are several tools we would remind you to use and engage with. The most important tool you can use in your conscious expansion and conscious creating is the coherent emotion and vibration of gratitude generated in the heart. When you, as an individual, practice the feeling of genuine gratitude, joy or appreciation it will reset your personal energy field to be more receptive. These coherent vibrations will also reset the chemistry in the body, the tone of the muscles, and the sense of total well-being. Another tool is your imagination. Practice at some point each day, with eyes closed, creating a reality you want to experience. This does not have to take a long time out of your day. It is simply a clear focus, feeling a sense of satisfaction and gratitude for that event to unfold. Stay consistent with this. Energize your goals with coherent vibrations. Imagine the best and feel the gratitude and joy of that reality manifesting. You know all this. We are not sharing anything new. We are inviting you to use the celestial energies bathing your planet to upgrade, reset and expand your consciousness. Play with this, be gentle with yourself. Shake off any limitation. Be creative with your imagination. Look for ways that you can heal or transform personal trauma, stored negative or misqualified emotions and memories. We continue to remind you that your voice and the use of your voice is one of the most powerful abilities to create, to heal and to honor who you are. First, consider that your voice through your words offers energetic patterns to the quantum field for creation. Observe your words and ask yourself, "Are these words limiting my experience or expanding my experience?" You voice when used with clear intention is a healing force. When you focus on a negative emotion or memory and allow that negative emotion to be expressed as a sound, you are doing the healing work of a master. Remember, when you clear any negative emotion or pattern with intention, always call forth a more coherent emotion or feeling with sound. This is the work of a true alchemist, transforming energy through the caldron of the human body. There is information and activation available when you are open and invite that reality. You will call forth the tools and remembrances that assist you in your own personal style and understanding. We invite you to be aware of how the galactic community respects and honors you. This 3D and 4D energy field is a place to remember who you are and your willingness to assist and support the ascendance of this planet. You are a master who simply has dropped into the illusion of being powerless. We acknowledge and surround you with our deep respect and gratitude for your willingness to be embodied into this dense limited reality with the intention of transforming all that you encounter. Great progress has been and is being achieved. Know this in your heart of hearts, even in the appearance of the opposite. Know that you are not alone in the powerful work of awakening and transforming energy. Join with others of like mind, invite us and other non-physical beings to support and witness you in your abilities and gifts to anchor more conscious light and shift the vibrations to the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond. We acknowledge you and welcome your call for support. the 'team' ©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available
Hawkins began practicing psychiatry in 1952, and then discovered the power of kinesiology, the science which obtains answers direct from the subconscious mind of a subject through muscle-testing. The subconscious (or unconscious) mind is one segment of your total range of consciousness. The subconscious mind stores memories and emotional issues. It controls the involuntary nervous system, which manages such systems as breathing, digestion and metabolism. It is also in communication with the universe as a whole. In particular, it is connected to the global, or collective unconscious, mind of humanity. The subconscious mind is, basically, the ultimate information source, one which is ready to provide information about anything upon demand. With kinesiology, the subjects' conscious minds are bypassed in order to receive clear answers directly from their subconscious minds. The tests are mechanically very simple. Subjects hold out an arm horizontally to the side while people designated as testers tell the subjects to resist their efforts to push one arm down with each question. If the arm remains strong and stays horizontal, then the answer from the subconscious mind of the subject is affirmative. If the arm yields downwards due to weakness then the answer is negative. If, for example, you tell a test subject to resist while you tell them, "You have a human body" their arm will stay strong. If you change the statement to, "You are a human body" their arm will go weak as this is an incorrect statement. The reason for this is that we, as spirits, merely inhabit our physical bodies. We are not our bodies, even though the ego tends to see us as who we are in the mirror. The subconscious mind knows that the true answer is, "You have a human body." John Diamond, M.D., another early researcher in kinesiology, observed cases where the right and left hemispheres of a person's brain were working together. The left hemisphere of the brain is normally used for analytical thinking and verbal activity, while the right hemisphere is used for intuitive and artistic activities as well as spatial orientation. This explains why it is so hard to drive a car at the same time as carrying on a telephone conversation. In order to pay attention to the road and the activities of other traffic, the driver has to switch from one hemisphere of the brain over to the other side, and then switch back again to continue the conversation. In the rare cases where both hemispheres were working equally together, Diamond discovered that the person now displayed creativity, which he referred to as humankind's highest functioning. David Hawkins found kinesiology to be a fascinating avenue into the unknown, and he began accessing what he calls attractor fields in the subconscious. Attractor fields are what Carl Jung called archetypes. They are created by the group efforts of millions of minds in the collective unconscious and hold a fascination for people because of their cumulative size. Just when his practice became huge, with fifty therapists and other employees working for him, Hawkins abandoned it all for a life of research. Instead of treating one patient at a time, Hawkins wanted to discover how everyone could be helped by the promise and potential of kinesiology. His research over the years proved conclusively the same thing that the new theoretical physics is beginning to say, that everything in the universe is connected. With kinesiology, he confirmed that whatever question is asked, if there is an answer to that question somewhere in the universe, then that answer will become yours. He also set up a system of calibrating levels of human consciousness. Assigning the numbers one to infinity as the possible range of consciousness, he soon found that he had to use the logarithm of numbers, rather than just plain numbers. This is because the power of consciousness at higher levels is vast compared to its power at lower levels. When you use a base-ten logarithmic system, the number 4 is not twice the number 2. Log 4 is 10,000 (one plus four zeros) versus log 2's value of just 100 (one plus two zeros). A consciousness level of 300 is not twice 150, it is 10 to the 300th power; a one with 300 zeros after it. Furthermore, Hawkins found that the consciousness level of 200 was critical. A global average of 200 or more is necessary to sustain life on this planet without it sinking into eventual self-destruction. Since the mid-1980s, he reports, the global average reading for humanity climbed above the critical 200 level. This, of course, is yet another discovery confirming the existence of today's ongoing shift in consciousness. Then, he began to wonder how much people of higher consciousness were compensating for people who live below the 200 level. Consider, for example, that 800 million people in the world are hungry, with many of them living near starvation. The consciousness of despair tests at a level of just 50. Even anger and hatred rate higher in frequency than the deep depression experienced by those who live with no appearance of hope. So here we are, on Planet Earth, a collective humanity swimming hard through life to keep our collective chins above the 200 level, working towards the day when hunger and hopelessness will be eradicated from our world once and for all. What can you do to help? As you raise your consciousness, you contribute more and more to the spiritual quality of the global mind. Therefore, your greatest service to humanity is, paradoxically, the development of your own consciousness. How exactly can that help the world? Getting back to modern science and its numbering systems, along with today's liking for summaries that spell out 'the bottom line,' here are the test results. One individual at a higher level of consciousness counterbalances many, many individuals who are below the critical level of 200. Below the 200 level are the attractor fields of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride. Right at the critical 200 level comes courage and its ability to empower the self out of the victim-orientation of the lower frequencies. At 300, a person has risen above many emotions of conflict to achieve some non-judgment and to feel optimism. At 300, one person, within the global mind, counterbalances an incredible total of 90,000 people below the 200 level. Such is the power of higher states of consciousness. At 400, the individual achieves a harmonious attitude which brings acceptance and forgiveness. Furthermore, they gain an enhanced sense of reason, which brings understanding and meaning to life. This is not a difficult level to achieve. Those who, for example, pursue higher education and the professions function at the 400 level, where one person counterbalances an incredible 400,000 people below the 200 level. To reach 500, a person needs to be spiritually conscious. At this level, unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness become alive and well in their reality. Here, one person counterbalances 750,000 people who are below the 200 level. When a person has practiced meditation long and diligently enough to attain bliss consciousness at the 600 level, they are, at that moment, counterbalancing 10 million people below the 200 level. Do you need a more compelling reason to develop your inner faculties? Just look at the wonderful level of service that each advance in consciousness brings into our world. And all this is by just being who you are and who you can become, before you even begin to physically help make the world a better place through your support and direct action. This wonderful level of service is the direct effect of your consciousness upon a world which has been starved, for so long, of spiritual thought and spiritual energy. *This was an excerpt from Owen Waters' book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, available now for immediate download at:
The July 16 Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse effects for the next 6 months of the The Big Letting Go, being in positions of our True nature, Cosmic Beings, choosing the end of Karma, New way of being, Sensitive empaths Starseeds can be feeling this deep purging like never before. The celestial line ups of Source Light are bringing this forth, it is a gift and opportunity. You will be blessed with increase intuitive abilities of Emotional transformation of your multidimensional self, in expanded ways of your Divine true essence. ***This is a Sacred Dispensation Transmission {Song of the White Flower} that came through me after i went to this Realm, its from our Creation Star of our Divine Original Blueprint, this is a Gateway to a pure Realm where only the Highest Divine Love Purity can exist, Being in this realm the sludge of lifetimes is lifted it can't exist there. (is what I came back with to share with You, it Works just listen. I Love YOU! Please Share this video to help empower the frequency assist others in clearing releasing, remember HOME Frequency just add or keep these credits Shekina Rose Blue Ray Angelic Messenger Crystal Vocalist for the Language of Light, Blue Ray Channel, Angel Medium Healer, Intuitive empathy Spiritual Psychic, creator of the Sedona Spirit Crystals ~ Portal of the Vortex pendants and Pleiadian Sacred technologies from her regular physical and telepathic visited by the Pleiadians the Pleiadians Peace ship, Sedona Deva crystals, Christos, Sophia, the Archangels and Ascended Master’s beings and races She is a ET Contactee and NDE experiencer. For more Language of Light Videos Ascension Updates Science has analyzed the voice of Shekina Rose, and verified that her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz Love "Solfeggio", Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of Creation, discovered by scientist Mark Rodin,along with other frequencies not discovered yet. Shekina Lives in Sedona AZ and offers over the phone and in person sessions: Soul Readings, Healings, Blue Ray Reconnections, Language of Light Angel Sound Concerts and Healing groups, Sedona Crystal Vortex pendants & Devic Water Wands **Are You From The Blue Ray? Soul Readings/Sedona Vortex Crystals Sacred Technololgies pendants & Devices Donations are so appreciated
This massive awakening will heighten consciousness, love, joy and heartfulness in everyone. There are miraculous gifts in store. You can choose to have this transformation be in great ease, fun and love, for everyone. Let yourself have some calm time to explore and integrate these new powers. Say yes to this shift being transformational for everyone in enlightening wonderful ways. This is a time to jump for joy! In this process, old issues can get pushed up and out, from you and on the world stage. You may or may not experience a flare in health issues, heart palpitations, sleep disorders, anxiety, need extra sleep, etc. There is more power coming thru your body than ever has been available on this planet, thru smaller channels than it needs. Your body and energy systems are being upgraded/expanded to accommodate this bigger flow. If you let the old release, and you expand yourself to make room for these new energies, you will be feeling transformed, restored, higher, calmer, and more benevolent that you ever have. Contractions, fears, traumas, release as expansion happens. The good news is that old issues can dissolve very quickly in this power, when you decide to let it be easy. We don't need to go thru lengthy processing of our old stuff. Remember, you get what you concentrate on here, at warp speed. Just decide to be done with the old boogies, and decide to have a magnificent life. The easiest way to experience/ integrate/ optimize this enlightened acceleration is to be out on the Earth. Walk in nature. Sit on a rock or the grass. Breath deeply. Allow yourself to feel your connection to the One, Source, God, whatever you call it, like a portal above your head. Allow the new Source energies to come down the center of your body, and ground into the Earth thru you. You will feel very calm and expansive when you ground. Now, widen your central column by intentionally extending energy/ enlightenment/ love outward to all beings. This expansion allows for more of the new Source powers to move easily thru you, and it blisses, fortifies, and calms you in the process. Short form: Connect to Source, connect to the Earth, extend energy out from your heart to all beings and all experiences. Amazingly simple, yet it just about cures anything right now. This timeframe is going to be a very fun ride. It is going to be transformational in every way. Let's have a global party of enlightenment on this planet as we ride this cosmic magnificence! Wanna dance??? Enlighteningly Yours, Laura Lee Lizak Article may be shared with credit to Laura Lee Lizak and Quan Yin, and website, All Rights Reserved. |
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February 2023