Hawkins began practicing psychiatry in 1952, and then discovered the power of kinesiology, the science which obtains answers direct from the subconscious mind of a subject through muscle-testing. The subconscious (or unconscious) mind is one segment of your total range of consciousness. The subconscious mind stores memories and emotional issues. It controls the involuntary nervous system, which manages such systems as breathing, digestion and metabolism. It is also in communication with the universe as a whole. In particular, it is connected to the global, or collective unconscious, mind of humanity. The subconscious mind is, basically, the ultimate information source, one which is ready to provide information about anything upon demand. With kinesiology, the subjects' conscious minds are bypassed in order to receive clear answers directly from their subconscious minds. The tests are mechanically very simple. Subjects hold out an arm horizontally to the side while people designated as testers tell the subjects to resist their efforts to push one arm down with each question. If the arm remains strong and stays horizontal, then the answer from the subconscious mind of the subject is affirmative. If the arm yields downwards due to weakness then the answer is negative. If, for example, you tell a test subject to resist while you tell them, "You have a human body" their arm will stay strong. If you change the statement to, "You are a human body" their arm will go weak as this is an incorrect statement. The reason for this is that we, as spirits, merely inhabit our physical bodies. We are not our bodies, even though the ego tends to see us as who we are in the mirror. The subconscious mind knows that the true answer is, "You have a human body." John Diamond, M.D., another early researcher in kinesiology, observed cases where the right and left hemispheres of a person's brain were working together. The left hemisphere of the brain is normally used for analytical thinking and verbal activity, while the right hemisphere is used for intuitive and artistic activities as well as spatial orientation. This explains why it is so hard to drive a car at the same time as carrying on a telephone conversation. In order to pay attention to the road and the activities of other traffic, the driver has to switch from one hemisphere of the brain over to the other side, and then switch back again to continue the conversation. In the rare cases where both hemispheres were working equally together, Diamond discovered that the person now displayed creativity, which he referred to as humankind's highest functioning. David Hawkins found kinesiology to be a fascinating avenue into the unknown, and he began accessing what he calls attractor fields in the subconscious. Attractor fields are what Carl Jung called archetypes. They are created by the group efforts of millions of minds in the collective unconscious and hold a fascination for people because of their cumulative size. Just when his practice became huge, with fifty therapists and other employees working for him, Hawkins abandoned it all for a life of research. Instead of treating one patient at a time, Hawkins wanted to discover how everyone could be helped by the promise and potential of kinesiology. His research over the years proved conclusively the same thing that the new theoretical physics is beginning to say, that everything in the universe is connected. With kinesiology, he confirmed that whatever question is asked, if there is an answer to that question somewhere in the universe, then that answer will become yours. He also set up a system of calibrating levels of human consciousness. Assigning the numbers one to infinity as the possible range of consciousness, he soon found that he had to use the logarithm of numbers, rather than just plain numbers. This is because the power of consciousness at higher levels is vast compared to its power at lower levels. When you use a base-ten logarithmic system, the number 4 is not twice the number 2. Log 4 is 10,000 (one plus four zeros) versus log 2's value of just 100 (one plus two zeros). A consciousness level of 300 is not twice 150, it is 10 to the 300th power; a one with 300 zeros after it. Furthermore, Hawkins found that the consciousness level of 200 was critical. A global average of 200 or more is necessary to sustain life on this planet without it sinking into eventual self-destruction. Since the mid-1980s, he reports, the global average reading for humanity climbed above the critical 200 level. This, of course, is yet another discovery confirming the existence of today's ongoing shift in consciousness. Then, he began to wonder how much people of higher consciousness were compensating for people who live below the 200 level. Consider, for example, that 800 million people in the world are hungry, with many of them living near starvation. The consciousness of despair tests at a level of just 50. Even anger and hatred rate higher in frequency than the deep depression experienced by those who live with no appearance of hope. So here we are, on Planet Earth, a collective humanity swimming hard through life to keep our collective chins above the 200 level, working towards the day when hunger and hopelessness will be eradicated from our world once and for all. What can you do to help? As you raise your consciousness, you contribute more and more to the spiritual quality of the global mind. Therefore, your greatest service to humanity is, paradoxically, the development of your own consciousness. How exactly can that help the world? Getting back to modern science and its numbering systems, along with today's liking for summaries that spell out 'the bottom line,' here are the test results. One individual at a higher level of consciousness counterbalances many, many individuals who are below the critical level of 200. Below the 200 level are the attractor fields of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride. Right at the critical 200 level comes courage and its ability to empower the self out of the victim-orientation of the lower frequencies. At 300, a person has risen above many emotions of conflict to achieve some non-judgment and to feel optimism. At 300, one person, within the global mind, counterbalances an incredible total of 90,000 people below the 200 level. Such is the power of higher states of consciousness. At 400, the individual achieves a harmonious attitude which brings acceptance and forgiveness. Furthermore, they gain an enhanced sense of reason, which brings understanding and meaning to life. This is not a difficult level to achieve. Those who, for example, pursue higher education and the professions function at the 400 level, where one person counterbalances an incredible 400,000 people below the 200 level. To reach 500, a person needs to be spiritually conscious. At this level, unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness become alive and well in their reality. Here, one person counterbalances 750,000 people who are below the 200 level. When a person has practiced meditation long and diligently enough to attain bliss consciousness at the 600 level, they are, at that moment, counterbalancing 10 million people below the 200 level. Do you need a more compelling reason to develop your inner faculties? Just look at the wonderful level of service that each advance in consciousness brings into our world. And all this is by just being who you are and who you can become, before you even begin to physically help make the world a better place through your support and direct action. This wonderful level of service is the direct effect of your consciousness upon a world which has been starved, for so long, of spiritual thought and spiritual energy. *This was an excerpt from Owen Waters' book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, available now for immediate download at: https://www.spiritualdynamics.net/ebooks/theshift.htm
Bear in mind that, in the natural state of spiritual living, as free spirits in the mental realms, there are very few limitations. People can manifest anything they need, relocate instantly in space, shift to a different position in time, all at the speed of thought. In the mental realms, people can visit friends or go along with them, exploring the universe, all through the power of thought. That's why they're called the mental realms.
To be more specific, the mental realms exist in fifth density consciousness and are the domain of your soul or inner being. Between third-density physicality and the fifth-density realm of your inner being lies the fourth-density spirit or astral realms populated by people in the afterlife. Physical incarnation is always voluntary. Nothing compels your soul to incarnate into another physical life. It is always a decision at the personal and soul group level whether to come back into physical life on Earth. Thousands of years ago, physical experience was a fully-conscious extension of spirit into matter. People knew who they were as spirits, connected to their inner selves and to the universe as a whole. "What if," they said, "we came into physical existence and didn't know who we were? We could devote our whole lives to searching for the answer to the mystery. Imagine what a challenge it would be!" Humankind then made the joint decision to immerse itself further into a denser, more focused reality. Their focus was directed upon the physical senses, along with a detachment from the superconscious and subconscious levels of thinking. By maintaining a tight focus upon the "outer" world of the senses, humans could even believe that they are fixed into one location in space and locked into one time continuum. Imagine, they said, physical life would become so intense, so real, so convincing. Now, most people love exhilarating rides, like the ones at amusement parks. And, if the ride seems scary, so much the better. Roller coaster rides are scary. The old Ghost Train rides at U.K. fairgrounds were scary. Disney's Haunted Mansions at their theme parks in California, Florida, Paris and Tokyo are all very scary. So scary that, when the rides end, people say, "That was great! Want to go round again?" Life can be scary, too. A life spent without a constant, conscious connection to your true inner nature is always a challenge. Today, the amusement park ride of inner separation is coming to an end. The Shift to the New Reality is happening today. We are becoming more and more aware of our inner nature. Those who grasp the idea of the New Reality will actively develop that inner connection, not just wait for it to surprise them as it slowly unfolds. And remember, this ride through intense physicality was always a choice. We may not remember as far back as when the choice was made, but, at a soul level, we've been willingly hopping on and off the theme park ride of physical life on Earth ever since. We incarnate for the experience of physical life, and to help transform this reality towards its ultimate state; one which, today, is looming very near. These are the days of transformation, the time of The Shift. The scary ride is coming to an end. As a culture, we are about to find ourselves and reconnect within. *Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness. You can think of your waking consciousness as an "outer self," because it's function is to focus upon a world which has the appearance of being external. The human brain is designed to translate the concepts of space and time into something that appears real. Your outer self's focus is directed at the physical world, which it perceives through the five physical senses. People habitually think of their soul as being something elsewhere, and not something that encompasses their waking consciousness. They also think of the world as being "out there" rather than what it really is - an internal projection of theatrical props which make life appear to be a real drama. It is more useful to use the term "inner self" to describe the complete self because, compared to the external world, it appears to be inside of you. When you look at the reality of life, everything is inside of you. As a spark of Infinite Being, the entire universe is inside of you because the universe was created within the consciousness of Infinite Being. The definition of "Infinite Being" is "consciousness which encompasses all." Nothing can be outside of an all-encompassing consciousness, therefore all must be within and, as an aspect of Infinite Being, it is within you. Before you were born, you carefully planned the possibilities for this incarnation. Your inner self had access to all of the probabilities which would unfold in your current life, thus enabling you to make a life plan. You examined several possible lives and chose this one for the experiences that it would let you explore. Think of your inner self as a nonphysical, spiritual personality which chose to enter your body at the time of birth. Gradually, over a period of months, your conscious mind formed a greater attachment to this new body and eventually became completely identified with it. The current system of incarnation on earth involves spiritual amnesia - we are born with blank physical memories as part of the challenge of reconnecting with our spiritual essence during physical incarnation. That system will change in the coming centuries as human consciousness rises to new challenges and opportunities but, in the meantime, it still provides a fresh start to every incarnation that we choose to experience. Each incarnation occurs in different locations and historical times, with different sets of parents and societal environments. This creates the opportunity for you to play many roles as different personalities. Your inner nature does shine through into your outer personality as an influence, but the variety provided by different incarnations is enormous. Imagine, over the last two thousand years, experiencing incarnations as a centurion defending Rome against the barbarians, then a quiet life as a peasant farmer's wife in Spain, then plying the Mediterranean trade routes as first mate on a spice ship, then as an English nun and finally a talk show host. Now that's variety! Personalities vary from life to life because of the societal environment in which they are formed. Shining through that outer personality, however, is the real you, your spiritual inner self. The wisdom of knowing how to handle a challenge often comes from the inner knowing gained from the experience of countless lifetimes. You can get in touch with your inner self if you take the time to simply go within using a meditation technique such as the Infinite Being meditation (see below). In that contemplative state, ask yourself what it feels like when you get in touch with your inner self. How does life look when seen from its perspective? How does it feel to be connected to that part of you which is, in turn, consciously connected to the entire universe? How does it feel to live beyond the confines of space and time? Words like freedom, expansion, joy and harmony spring to life while you are in the presence of your true, spiritual self. Your inner self is eternal. It can never cease to exist, any more than Infinite Being can cease to exist. This eternal part of you has wisdom and love beyond the confines of any single incarnation. Feel the security of knowing this eternal part of yourself. While you are in the conscious presence of your inner self, see how meaningful the affirmation from the Infinite Being meditation becomes: "I am Infinite Being." For the complete Infinite Being Meditation technique, go to: https://www.spiritualdynamics.net/articles/meditation/
As heart-centered awareness grows and blooms within society, people's primary focus will shift away from service to self and towards service to others. When it does, the world will transform out of all recognition.
But you don't have to wait for all of society to catch up. In both your personal and professional dealings with people, you have a reputation, and it is fed by word-of-mouth recommendation. Build your reputation as someone who tends to give more than is expected of them, and you will find yourself becoming increasingly popular in both your business and personal lives. People respond to heartfelt action and, as they say, what goes around comes around. Action and reaction are opposite and equal in all types of thought and action. Your heartfelt action, by automatic reaction, will create a heartfelt reality among you and the people who are attracted to your energy. When you operate mainly out of a heart-centered frequency, you will notice that people are attracted to you in all aspects of your life. Friends, lovers, professional associates; everyone will be attracted to your magnetic personality. Personal magnetism has been one of the great mysteries of life simply because, in the past, so few people have operated from that heart-centered frequency of awareness on a routine basis. However, it's really no secret. It's just one of those common-sense facts of life. The secret of personal magnetism is that the more you unconditionally love people, the more they love you. You don't have to make a big deal out of it. You don't have to stand there like some transmitter beacon, radiating huge amounts of heart energy. Top stage performers do, but you don't. You can be very quiet about it and everyone will be quietly drawn to you. Everyone of a similar nature, that is. Everyone who appreciates kindness and a truly warm, genuine smile. In other words, you'll attract the very best of friends. There's nothing more attractive than a warm smile from a person who quietly radiates a sense of unconditional love for themselves and all others. This material was an excerpt from Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality. Available for immediate download at: https://www.spiritualdynamics.net/ebooks/love.htm
However, in the busy modern world, we really need a practical way to move into spiritual consciousness quickly and effectively. This is achieved by empowering your heart-centered level of consciousness so that you can move quickly through the gateway of the heart and into the realms of spiritual consciousness. Heart-centered consciousness is typically focused in a chakra, or energy center, approximately four inches (ten centimeters) in front of the breastbone. It is a small, whirling vortex of energy operating at a specific frequency of consciousness. This chakra can be used to sense the heart-centered consciousness of others and it can also be used in transmission mode to send unconditional love to others. When your heart is warmed in the company of a true friend, it is this energy center, and its energetic counterpart just behind the spine, which are involved in the giving and receiving of that warmth between you and your friend. Universal life energy, or etheric energy, comes from the universe, through the Sun, and fills all of the space around you. On a sunny day, when its presence is especially intense, your eyes can often faintly detect globules of this energy floating in the air as you look up towards the clear sky. Etheric energy is the primary energy of life, while its more familiar offshoot, electricity, is merely a secondary form of energy. To invoke spiritual consciousness, we can add universal life energy to the heart chakra in order to swiftly activate heart-centered consciousness. As a primary energy, universal life energy responds immediately to the mental pressure exerted by your will. It can be attracted, conditioned and even transmitted outwards to any desired objective. In order to charge your heart chakra with universal life energy, you visualize it coming into your body on each inbreath. See it as a white light permeating the space which surrounds you. Then, see this white light enter and fill your lungs as it passes through your nostrils on each inbreath. Draw this life-giving energy into yourself using the power of your will. Then, on each outbreath, see this concentration of energy as a brilliant white light moving forward into your heart chakra, filling this center of consciousness with intense light and vitality. The reason we see it as a brilliant white light, and not a specific color, is because white light is all-inclusive. It is a combination of all the colors of the spectrum in equal balance. Do this for at least three inbreaths and outbreaths and your consciousness will shift into a heart-centered focus. That is step one of the FREEdom technique. Now that your heart chakra is charged with intense energy, you are capable of transmitting that energy to any desired objective. We will be choosing the highest objectives, in terms of frequency of consciousness, as that causes the law of action and reaction to guarantee us the highest degree of spiritual upliftment as a result. This article was an excerpt from Owen Waters' e-book, "Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom", available now at: http://www.spiritualdynamics.net/ebooks/freedom.htm
Your conscious mind is the result of your inner being focusing attention upon the outer world through your physical brain and senses. When, instead, you turn your attention from the outer world towards the inner world, you access the resources of your inner being. Your inner being possesses all of the wisdom, understanding and strength that you will ever need. It is your ultimate, personal resource. Your inner being is also your link with the universe and with the consciousness behind all life, Infinite Being. If you think of yourself as living your life like a performer on stage, then your inner being is like the backstage technician who makes sure that your performance has all the support that it needs to make everything happen on cue. The amount of knowledge and wisdom available within you is unlimited. In order to access it, you only have to make an intention to go within and find it. Your subconscious mind runs all of your biological systems without conscious effort on your part. In fact, if you think about it, the subconscious mind of an ant knows more about biochemistry than today's leading scientists. Your inner being knows even more; in fact, everything about anything you want to know anything about. The trick is to ask the question and then silence your conscious mind enough to hear the answer. When you become consciously aware of the true nature of your inner being and its resources of wisdom, understanding and strength, you begin to dissolve many of the former limitations to your growth. The key to expressing your human potential is to know that all potential lies within you and you only have to open an external channel in order to begin to allow that unlimited potential to flow out into the world. The power is within. To become empowered, you don't have to become something new. You only have to realize that you already have that power within, then allow that infinite inner potential to flow into your life. http://www.spiritualdynamics.net/ They regard the masculine qualities of God, such as strength, constancy and protection to be related to the Father aspect of God, while the feminine qualities, such as gentleness, compassion and nurturing to be related to the Mother aspect of God. They do not see God as two ‘people’ – a male entity and a female entity – but rather as an integrated, all-pervasive presence possessing both aspects of consciousness in equal balance. If we look at the nature of the original consciousness which is behind all things, we can better understand the concept of an integrated Father-Mother God. God is not a person. God is an everywhere-present, all-knowing intelligence which created and maintains the universe. Behind even this creative presence, is the ultimate, original, unchanging state of consciousness, that of Infinite Being. Infinite Being is a state of perfect beingness which contains all potential. As such, it fundamentally does not “do,” it just is. It is perfection, and therefore unchanging. However, at some point, Infinite Being decided to ‘become,’ rather than just ‘be.’ It decided to manifest its potential, and then to act out every part of that potential. Once Infinite Being had made the decision to create the universe, it achieved the Creation through its only available tool – that of consciousness. Infinite Being divided its consciousness into two complementary aspects. In one direction, it focused intent. In another direction, it focused feeling. Then, it applied motion so that the two facets of itself – intent and feeling – could interact with each other as intertwined waves of consciousness in motion. In this way, Infinite Being extended itself from just being, into a state of action and creation. The dividing of the ‘waters’ of original consciousness into two, complementary aspects created the aspect of intent and the aspect of feeling. These two principles of consciousness interact together in perfect, equal balance. Were they not perfectly balanced, the universe would cease to exist! People traditionally find comfort in thinking of God as a parent-like presence. The two aspects of consciousness are not, literally, terms relating to gender. However, you could choose to think of the intent aspect as the Creator part and the one which seems more father-like. You could also choose to think of the feeling aspect as the Preserver of all of creation and as the one which seems more mother-like. However, these are just images to help us identify, from a human perspective, with the vastness of the consciousness of God. God maintains the universe through a perfect balance of the complementary aspects of its consciousness. In the light of this, if people choose to think of God in parental terms, then the word God today has to mean ‘Father-Mother God’ and not just ‘God the Father.’ Remember that without God the Father’s other half, the universe would cease to exist! Today, the concept of Father-Mother God has become a very timely one. As we progress through The Shift to heart-centered consciousness, the concept of patriarchy is steadily fading away into history. Father God, as a male persona, is part of the Old Reality thinking. The expanded concept of Father-Mother God is inbuilt into the new awareness. We are entering a New Reality where all people are honored equally, regardless of race, creed, color, personal preferences and, especially, gender. Heart-centered consciousness means unconditional love and acceptance of all people in their infinite diversity. We exist on this earth as the eyes and ears of Infinite Being as it seeks to experience itself through the variety of every possible viewpoint. Such diversity is integral to our purpose in existence. Your purpose in life includes the development of your own potential so that you can become the most unique ‘you’ possible. Today’s emerging heart-centered consciousness means that people will support, rather than compete against, the efforts of other people. As New Reality consciousness expands, human potential will flower in creative ways never before imagined possible. You can think of God as a balance of Father-Mother God consciousness or simply go beyond that to think of Infinite Being as the ultimate state of unchanging perfection. Either way, remember that the conscious awareness of the presence of God is a mere thought away. It is your concept of the God presence within which will feed the flame of your creativity and help bring your unique potential into full and joyful manifestation. www.spiritualdynamics.net
Despite the distractions of physical life, despite its noise and clatter, you have a silent, inner drive which keeps your soul wanting to evolve back towards its original source. Deep within, you have a yearning to be reconnected with the unity from which you once came. This Universal Yearning for Unity, the UYU ("you-you"), leads us ever onwards, towards our eventual, spiritual homecoming and into complete unity. The Universal Yearning for Unity is a silent, yet ever-present call towards our spiritual home. As we master the experiences of third-density living and move on to higher density layers, we become more expanded in our awareness and more aware of the enormous scale of Creation. When you allow your awareness to expand further and further, you can take an imaginary voyage to the All That Is, to your original spiritual home. The planet on which we stand is enormous compared to the size of a human being. Imagine yourself viewing the Earth from a distance. Imagine the silence and peace that permeates your very soul as you look upon the Mother Earth, who has provided all of us with this wonderful home in space. Then, in your mind's eye, see the Sun. Imagine this brilliant orb and feel its life-giving energy while your mind adjusts to the fact that the Sun is over a million times bigger than the Earth. Now, expand your viewpoint far enough to see and appreciate your entire solar system. Next, you realize that there are many more suns in our galaxy. In our Milky Way galaxy, there are 200 billion other suns. Expand your viewpoint even more as you imagine yourself seeing an entire galaxy, slowly rotating like a giant disk in the great peace and quietness of space. Then, you realize that there are many more galaxies in existence. There are well over 100 billion other galaxies in this universe. Now, expand your viewpoint to include the entire universe, filled with billions of galaxies. You realize that, as big as the universe is, in order for God to be everywhere, God has to be even bigger still. All of this, this All Things, is contained within the consciousness of Infinite Being. Beyond the limits of the universe, beyond the envelope of space, lies only that which created it. The universe is contained within the creative awareness and loving energy of Infinite Being. As you feel Infinite Being holding the universe within manifestation, and preserving all of life within its infinite aura of profound love, you sense what your ultimate potential really is. You sense that all of the universe will one day come back to embrace this, its original spiritual home. This all-knowing, all-feeling, all-present spirit, which is behind all of life as we know it. Now, as your attention returns to your own space on Planet Earth, you remember that feeling, that sense of wonder, of wisdom, and that awareness of ultimate potential. And, as you think of your own life, you now understand what it means to be connected to that ultimate inner reality, as... Infinite Being, infinite potential. www.SpiritualDynamics.net Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations
by Owen K Waters In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift. One of the hallmarks of the New Reality is that people are becoming spiritually self-empowered. In the Old Reality, it was necessary for people to follow a rule book of moral behavior in order to stay upon a path which avoided temptation and its undesirable side-effects. With New Reality consciousness, order comes to society automatically because people are heart-centered. They simply don't engage in actions that would be harmful to themselves or others because they unconditionally love all people, and would therefore do no harm to anyone. New Reality consciousness is one of responsible freedom. With it, people are self-empowered and fully consider the effects of all of their actions from a place within their hearts. Heart-centered consciousness develops the flow of unconditional love. Once this flow is started, nothing in physical reality can affect it in a negative way. It is not altered or rationed by likes and dislikes, nor by emotions of any kind. It is something that just is, regardless of the circumstances. It is an expression of the love of God, which exists in every part of the universe and flows through each one of us, if we but allow it. Unconditional love is something that readily flows through your heart when you reach upwards above regular, day-to-day consciousness, open your heart and just allow the flow to come through. Unconditional love is, by its very nature, allowing, accepting and supporting. As a state of allowance, it is not something that you have to try to do; it just flows when you allow it to enter your heart. It will raise your consciousness above the cares of daily reality and open up an expanded vista of awareness. Each time you allow unconditional love to flow, you upgrade the entire human experience, taking humanity yet one more step into the unfolding New Reality. http://www.spiritualdynamics.net Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations by Owen K Waters Infinite Being is The One and The All. We are aspects of the One, aspects of Infinite Being, each of us experiencing life from our own unique perspective. This concept leads to the idea that you are one small part of an infinitely large variety of life. However, when you go within and contact the deeper levels of consciousness, you begin to sense that that concept is actually one of the illusions of life as we know it. Infinite Being is The One and The All. We can see the infinite variety of The All in the external world but, at the deepest level of consciousness, each individual part of The All is The One. At the deepest level, you are not a part of The One. Within the One, there are no parts. There is no separation. Within the One, you are The One. You are Infinite Being. If this were not so, then at that deepest level of awareness, there would be both The One and you. That would make two, and that is not what is there at that deepest level of consciousness. Only The One exists in that ultimate state. Therefore you are The One, as, indeed, is everyone else. Infinite Being is The One and The All. We are Infinite Being. So, The Great Paradox of Infinite Being is this: While you appear to be one of infinite parts of The All, at the deepest level of awareness you are not a separate part. You are, instead, simply The One. The reason for the paradox is that we live in an existence which creates the illusion of separation. Deep down, we're all the same One but, for the sake of being able to experience all the drama and excitement that life in this world has to offer, the appearance of separation into the All was created. This was done so that Infinite Being can observe itself from an infinite variety of viewpoints. That includes your unique viewpoint, my unique viewpoint, and everyone else's unique viewpoints. www.SpiritualDynamics.net Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations |
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February 2023