Let us give this example. You are interfacing with your third dimensional life as a human, perhaps also your role as a parent, a friend, a teacher, a mentor, a spiritual being, a conscious citizen, a gardener, a businessperson. These are roles or aspects that shift your behavior in subtle ways. You do not consider them separate from one another; they are just parts of you and your life. Now consider the awareness of your multidimensionality; you are here in a hologame on planet earth, responsible for the physical vehicle in which you dwell, confined by beliefs in the limitations of this reality. You are also connected to the galaxy and respond to the energy matrix that is offered from the cosmic forces. We want you to realize that you are able to read the energy of other beings. You take in data like your computers; you are interfacing with other beings at all times, exchanging information, ideas, weavings of energy. You travel time. In a moment you return to the past and zoom to the future, yet you only touch these time lines briefly and usually you touch them with regret or worry. You have the ability to step into any hologame and experience any reality, with all its tastes, smells, feelings, and sights. You are able to “live “it so to speak. However be aware that in this current third dimension reality you have replaced this awesome multidimensional ability with the movies and with television. You are invited to begin to use the superpower of your imagination. We know that this physical life feels real in your consciousness. We know that you have responsibilities, loved ones and friends; you experience emotions of bliss and trauma. You feel pain and have thoughts and even puzzle at the mystery of why you are here. Realize that you travel out of your body's awareness often. You take an aspect of your multidimensional self to other dimensions and to other realities. This is especially true at this time. Many are beginning to consciously be moving from one dimension to another. This awakening is being triggered by the cosmic forces that are bathing your planet, stimulating you to wake up to the truth of who you really are. You are a starbeing, here in this limited third dimension having what you are calling a physical life, which we invite you to consider is only "one cell." We sense your desire for us to translate this information more clearly. We are aware that you are struggling a bit to put what we are giving you into understanding. You know this truth as a multidimensional being, it is how you operate. Yet you cannot always put what happens as a multidimensional being into words, because it is far bigger than your "one cell" third dimensional self to explain in words. Let us offer this, using the example of the physical body as a metaphor. Image in the body, this physical life, what you are now focused on, is only “one cell”. Your “NOW” life experience is only "one cell." Yet you are truly multidimensional. This multidimensional self creates, nurtures, and sustains the whole in a very complex delicate balance. You as the “one cell” are not aware of all the others tasks or other realities in which the total body participates. There is the reality of the bones, the reality of skin, the reality of the heart, the liver, the circulation system; these are all just aspects of the multidimensional reality of the body. There is the brain, there are the thoughts, the feelings, the memories and on and on, yet the “one cell" awareness is not fully conscious of all that is taking place. The life you are focused on in your now is this “one cell” of your total magnificent multidimensional self. There is much going on at all times that you do not recognize because of your veiled awareness and belief systems. As "one cell" you do not even think about what beats the heart, or how air expands the lungs; these are activities that are automatic. They maintain the "one cell" yet are not a part of consciousness. The "one cell" has other things to focus upon. There are frequencies, matrixes, realities that exist in which you are very active, yet the “one cell” that you are focused upon resists this expansion or does not even know of its existence. So begin to honor your true wholeness. It is important that you begin to be aware of all the actions and activities that the physical body offers. Practice quieting your mind and place your attention on your heart, notice if you can begin to feel each heart beat. Focus your quiet mind on your breath. Follow that breath moving into your lungs, expanding them and then exhaling. We want you to begin to practice being more than just "one cell." Imagine that your body has a consciousness in every aspect. Every aspect, every part of your body is aware of the energy that is being offered in the cosmic downloads, the solar flares, the vibrations of the planets, the pull and push of the moon. There is much more going on than the "one cell" self recognizes. Many are waking up to these awarenesses and many others continue to hit the 'snooze button.' Now is the time to explore all the inner realities of your physical body as well as the awesome realities of the other dimensions. Be the explorer. Be the adventurer. Imagine that you can go on a vacation or holiday to another time and place. Imagine that you can go to a cosmic travel agent and book a trip to another planet or go to a cosmic time agent and book a trip to any experience in time or even to a cosmic dimensional agent, where you can arrange to travel to another dimension. Make this as real as you possibly can. Allow yourself to play with this idea and suggestion. Shake yourself out of any limited beliefs. We are playing with you here. We want to shake you out of your "one cell" thinking. We want you to realize how truly unlimited you really are. Each day make it a practice to imagine another reality, pretend, make it as real as possible. Feel it, sense it, see it whatever way feels best to you. Remember this is simply a game and you are meant to wake up and recognize that you are a divine creator. Again we invite you to expand your awareness to include more of your multidimensional beingness. It is much easier than one might imagine, you do it often, now just recognize when you have shifted. Be at peace, Beloved the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
We want you to begin to understand that you, everyone and everything has an energy matrix, from the smallest atom to the galaxy; each connected, nested and woven together in one cosmic whole. These grids or holograms are interactive with your personal energy girds or holograms. As you move about in your life you move through many grids and matrices. We realize that you usually do not consciously check out or sense or even read the energy flow. But that is an important skill to develop. Once you begin to sense or feel or see the subtle vibrations, even the thought forms and emotions that create the environment you step into, you will begin to understand how these vibrations are affecting your own personal energy field as well as the effects on your physical body and the exchange of information that is taking place. You move through these fields of energy all the time and most of the time you are totally unconscious of how they interact with your field or your personal matrix. Realize it is the matrix that holds the pattern, much like the matrix of stone holds the crystal. Your personal matrix holds your contact with this dimension; it is the framework, the grid of energy vibrating with the memories, the experiences, and the family patterns. Your personal matrix is created from your thought forms, habits, emotions and programmed beliefs. Your energy signature or matrix will always be affected by the energy surrounding you. Remember that emotional vibrations or frequencies are contagious. If you step into a space or matrix where there is an emotion of fear, it will certainly trigger your own personal stored fear energy. A hospital or dentist office is an example of a space where you might experience your own personal fear being triggered. Become aware of the vibration offered by the spaces or matrices you move into. As each human begins to awaken, to become conscious and responsible, they become more aware of their personal energy field. As each human strives to enrich their awareness, to grow, to expand, their personal matrix becomes more extended, brighter as it were. It is valuable and important to become aware of your own matrix and as we said earlier to become aware of the grids or energy fields that surround you each moment. This is a major working. This is a level of awareness that allows your conscious self a bigger playground. Allow yourself to see or sense and become sensitive to the matrices that surround you at all times. Begin to notice the energy matrix or energy vibration that is being offered by your planet, the stars, the galaxy and the cosmic collective. Make it your intention to learn how to read, feel or hear this energy that is enveloping you. Where do you sense your connections with the global matrix. Does that feel too big, too impossible to even imagine? Where do you sense your connection with the galactic matrix? Allow yourself to investigate your own personal matrix, grid or energy field. Become sensitive to how far this matrix extends. You will realize how interconnected you are to your planet, your community, your circle of friends and acquaintances, your spirit family and your physical family. Notice the family matrix you experience. Does this matrix trigger any limiting emotions or thoughts or does it feel expansive and accepting? We invite you to become aware of how your personal matrix does stimulate, affect, shift and intone other fields of energy and how other matrices entrain your vibrations. As you move about in your life be aware of each subtle shift of the flavor, the sensations, the emotional and mental offerings of the matrix of each experience. There will be a matrix at each store or activity that you will temporarily connect with, a group of people will share a common matrix created by all the combined energy fields of everyone. There will be a skill that you will develop which will allow you to read the information given by others sharing the same space together. Far more data is exchanged between one being and another, between you and the matrix you step into. This exchange takes place during one in-breath and one out-breath. Remember throughout your day, simply say "All energy that does not belong to me I send back blessed and transformed. I call my energy back blessed and transformed." This is a gentle yet powerful way to keep your energy field clear of the influence of others. We invite you to consider the past week and reflect on activities, all the exchanges that took place in the stores or on the street. Gently reflect back to all the people you passed by or sat next to, realize that energy was exchanged especially the ones who made eye contact or spoke to you. Now realize that they were also affected by your matrix, your energy field, your grid. You have the opportunity to offer a higher vibration, a more conscious vibration with each exchange and with everyone that you encounter. You have the opportunity to trigger the awakening in another by your conscious exchange without a word being spoken. You have the opportunity to uplift and activate a sense of well-being, a sense of wholeness in the other. You have the opportunity to express acceptance and respect for the other. You can quietly in your mind simply say "I see you." The energy of that expression will uplift the other. Remember who you are as a magnificent being and use your awareness to transform and offer expansion to all those that you meet. When you declare "I am aware that I am aware." When you bring your full consciousness of your matrix, your full awareness into your field, others respond from their highest understanding as well. You trigger their awareness of who they are. When you set your intention to sense these grids and all these other matrices observe how you are responding and how others are responding to you. You begin to consciously ride these flows of energy, move through these fields of energy with delight and joy. This is the place of transformation, of miracles as you call them, of total synchronicity. Practice this. Be at peace, Beloved, the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
You are here in this dimension to be a receiver of energy and information. You are here to anchor a new reality by your conscious focus and understanding. There is much contact being made from the galaxy to this planet. It is always the signal searching for the receiver. There are those awakening and realizing they are receivers.
Your internet serves to share these messages received by others who are now in contact with those from other dimensions or timelines. Of course the goal is that all humans realize their ability for this contact and this energy exchange. We sense great anticipation within you when we share this. You are a visionary, you are a receiver, these are ideas, concepts, understandings that you hold and embrace as truth. You and many bright ones like you are remembering the many other realities of harmony, love and equality in which you have participated and experienced. This planet is an extreme contrast to what you know and remember. It has been a great mystery to you why others can not embrace this kind of harmony and equality. Your planet is on the threshold, the brink of a shift to an entirely new reality. We would like to give you more information on this shift that is now taking place on planet earth. First let us share that there are always several realities, several outcomes waiting to manifest in just your personal lives. Humans are beginning to realize and recognize the fascinating unfoldment of your science of physics, quantum physics. It is a language and concept that most people cannot allow their mind to even consider because it pushes against so many of their sacred beliefs. It feels that if they embrace this idea of multi-realities going on at all times, they might lose their mental hold on what they think is reality. That feels frightening, too unstable; there is always resistance where there is fear. Allow yourself in the coming days to explore what some of your other possible realities might be. You can make this awareness a small view of just your day and how it might be played out in other parallel realities. What choices await? What events unfold? What fears are there? What hopes? What dreams? You /others are broadcasting energy in the form of your thoughts, your emotions and your beliefs at all times. As you send the energy forth several realities are always possible. The reality that manifests is the one on which you have focused more of your energy. We can feel you struggle a bit with this information. Let us give you this; your reality feels and looks solid and permanent. This is only one aspect of the illusion upon which you are operating. It is just one level of awareness gathering all your beliefs, all your knowing, focused on the one level or reality that you can sense, feel, touch, taste and see; this is what you have known up until now. As you awaken and those beliefs begin to soften, your knowing expands to include other awarenesses; you begin to realize that the reality in which you are focused is only one of many realities simultaneously existing in the same place, the same time, the same space. And with all those other realities co-existing there are parallel possibilities that can unfold. Your reality is not as solid as you would like to think. It is actually very fluid, very flowing, very malleable. Each energetic exchange in one reality brings a new wave or ripple that goes out affecting the other realities in some way. Every living being is affecting this experience and reality. The collective consciousness of all humans is calling forth, inviting and creating the reality that everyone is witnessing and experiencing. The more attention, the more energy or focus given to a certain outcome will guarantee it will manifest fully in this physical realm. Most humans do not realize their personal power in creating what is occurring in the daily events. Most global events seem too big, too overwhelming or too distant for you to have any effect on or to claim any responsibility for that manifestation. Yet we are inviting you to realize that no matter what is occurring in the third dimension you have contributed to that outcome or event in some manner. Now understanding that truth, we invite you to step into your magnificent power as a multidimensional divine being here on this planet at this time to invite, create and call forth a new reality. If multi-parallel realities are available at all times, for goodness sake, what would you like to experience? How would you begin to use your thoughts, words, emotions and focus, and most important of all, your imagination, to allow another parallel reality to come forth in your experience. Practice this skill in your personal life. Imagine that there are always several realities that are possible. Which one is manifesting for you now? What were your thoughts, fears and worries that might have called this forth? Pretend that there are several parallel realities awaiting your invitation. Allow yourself to feel, sense and experience these possibilities. Make this process as real for yourself as possible. If you want to be a successful writer, imagine yourself being acknowledged for the wonderful book you have written. Notice how you feel, notice any emotions that arise for you in this process. Allow yourself to play in this parallel reality often. Make it as real as possible for yourself. Be in a state of gratitude, notice how the universe supports and assists you in this creation. Allow yourself to make this reality outrageous. Be gentle and be kind with yourself as you explore other possible opportunities. Investigate what dreams did you have as a youth? Investigate what would have happened if you had made a different decision at some crossroads of your life? What would you be doing? Allow yourself to imagine living that dream now as if it were your true experience. Expand the possibilities, allow yourself to play with these ideas of creating or stepping into a parallel existence. Expand your consciousness to imagine a different parallel reality for your planet. Allow yourself to feel that, experience that, read about it in your newspapers. We believe you are getting the idea of who you are in this wonderful shift that is happening here on your planet. We realize we have given you much information in this message. We realize that on some level you know the truth of what we share. We know these ideas press against your long held beliefs of what is true. Relax into these possibilities, play with these concepts, allow yourself to see or script the other realities in your personal life. Then expand to the other realities for your planet, Remember this is a game of awakening. Be at Peace, Beloved the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
When there is disharmony within the thoughts or when emotions are in conflict, the body will eventually manifest this lack of balance and harmony, there will be dis-ease. So dear ones, when you are experiencing a state of unease or feeling off balance, the name your society has given to this state of disharmony and unease is often stress. Ask yourself what emotions are you avoiding, what emotions have you labeled uncomfortable. We invite you to look within at the possible conflicts that you are dealing with. List each one in a clear and precise manner. This offers you an insight as you travel into the maze of your disharmony, your depression or your anxiety. Also we might offer that you be aware of the labels others have given you and you took as your own without question. Usually a label is an attempt to assert control and manage any uncertainty. A label may allow for a type of mental closure and even encourage you not to think about the things, issues, or emotions again. Realize life never comes to closure; life is a process, even a mystery. Life is known only by those who have found a way to be comfortable with their emotions, with change and the unknown. Given the nature of life, there may be no security, but only your adventure. Once your inner conflicts have been offered to the conscious mind there can be resolution. You have many tools to use that will bring you to a balanced state of mind, a balanced state of emotions and therefore a balanced healthy body. The heart is the thinking organ of your human form. It is the heart which truly is in command. The energetic field of the heart matrix is far stronger and more expanded than the energetic matrix of the brain. Your mentors, wise one, avatars and spiritual leaders have been speaking and teaching of this for eons of time. It is the intelligence of the heart that offers humanity total healing and divine connection with the dimensions and the stars. We encourage you to return to the sacred space of your heart and radiate love and acceptance as well as gratitude to your reality. It is within the sacred heart that the alchemical process of transformation takes place. Human beings long ago learn to close or protect their heart circuit. This has been one of the main dysfunctions on your planet. It is one of the main sources of dis-ease. When the heart circuit is protected there is an energetic loop. There is difficulty with energy coming in or going out. The human being has allowed the brain, the programs, the beliefs, and the labels to monitor and guard the heart center. These programs and beliefs close and numb your responses to the messages and guidance coming from and going to this important heart center. These beliefs and programs about protecting the heart center are passed down energetically from parent to child. A small child learns from the unspoken as well as the spoken messages about being hurt, allowing or not allowing one to love freely and easily, what feels safe or unsafe, who to trust and not trust. The heart center is your portal. It is your gate. It is important for humanity to begin to heal the wounds that the heart carries. It is essential to healing this planet's dysfunction. When the heart is energetically closed to others, it is closed to the divine. It is time that humanity heals the wounded heart. We acknowledge all those who are becoming aware of when they close their hearts and what programs/beliefs within their system lock them into a closed loop. There are the wounds passed down from generation to generation. There are the wounds within the family dynamics of this lifetime. There are the wounds that each human being has personally experienced while in this embodiment. Humans are skilled at shutting down their emotions of pain, hurt, betrayal, grief, disappointment or feeling unloved. As best you can, allow yourself to clear these emotions and realize that without judgment, many of these things can be made holy. You are invited to begin the process of healing the many levels of wounded patterns within the heart matrix which can manifest in your physical form. This is the work and the responsibility for each and every person on the personal level, genetic level and global level. We support and encourage you to energetically and emotionally clean out your heart space. Polish it, shine it up, air it out and begin to live there. Humanity is stepping into an entirely new paradigm in which the thinking heart will be honored, whole and connected to the other heart matrices. This reality is happening one heart beat at a time, one human being at a time. Each human being who becomes aware of the power to heal the wounds carried within their heart center can then open their heart center and radiate the divine flow of love, acceptance, and the honoring of one another. The heart portal was designed to serve as the gateway to the stars. This heart portal allows the energy to flow from divine source and the heart center processes this energy for the expansion of the human being. We are inviting you to continue with your dedicated intention to heal your heart portal, for it is through your heart portal that divine energies, divine connection and divine guidance are able to stream to you. The most important tools in the healing, harmonizing and the balancing of your heart portal are to continue to return your awareness to the vibrations of joy, gratitude, appreciation and forgiveness. It is the power of these vibrations which allows the heart center/heart portal to heal from all the wounds carried. Practice asking your heart before asking your mind. Practice bridging and connecting the heart's intelligence with the brain's intelligence. Practice radiating unconditional love, joy, and appreciation from your heart not from the mind. Understand that you are connected to one another with unbreakable and compelling human bonds. In this knowing everyone becomes less vulnerable and alone. The heart, which can see these connections, may be far more powerful a source of healing than the mind. It is the service work each human being is asked to give for the wholeness and healing of the heart center of humanity. For when human beings live from an open and healed heart they know and feel their connectedness with each other and understand their universal purpose. Allow yourself to see your sacred heart space as spacious, infinite, expanded, and whole. It is your link to the cosmic grid. It is your way home. We support your healing and delight with our heart connection with you. Be at peace, Beloved. the 'team' https://www.peggyblack.com/ https://morningmessages.com/ This practice is most important because as you begin to shift your vibrational offerings, this shift allows you to begin to move into different dimensions. Remember that the dimensions are nested levels of vibrations of energy and consciousness. We are inviting you to practice ways of riding these intense energy waves that are being generated from the stars. All are watching and observing your planet and the skillful aware manner that you manage frequency, energy and vibrations. This is your time to shine. This is your time to own the ability to move from one dimension to another with ease, grace and skill. Remember that you are first a divine energy being and that divine energy is what animates and creates your physical form. Everything you experience as solid and “real” are vibrations of energy, held or locked in place by belief systems. If for a moment you could set aside all the mental programs about your reality, you would experience an entirely different perspective of what you call reality. Practice letting go of your perceived ideas of what is real. Practice asking yourself often, what am I creating with my energy, vibrations, thoughts right now? Make it a conscious practice of shifting or pivoting from a low vibration/frequency of worry, stress, fear or anger into one that is gentler and uplifting. Practice turning up your volume so to speak to one of loving kindness and grace. Each time you shift to offering a higher vibration/frequency you are capable of moving to a higher dimension. Become aware of these subtle shifts in your awareness. In the holograph of the corridor of time your sages and wise ones have all spoken of the ability to shift from one dimension to another or one state of awareness to another. They have offered suggestions of prayer, meditation, fasting…the shamans and mystics have offered mind altering herbs and ceremonies of dance, drums or sounds to bring a shift of consciousness. There are scores of methods, pathways and tools that have been offered to humanity throughout your history. All these suggestions and techniques are for the important purpose of shifting your awareness to understand that the world you view is only one small perspective of the whole. There are levels and dimensions and timeframes in which an aware individual can experience and, so to speak, ‘travel’. This is our invitation to you. Let us give you this example; imagine a young child is raised in a small house, all their needs are met. They are happy and their entire world that they consciously know is that small house. They become an adult yet never venture out of the small house, believing that the space of the small house is all that exists. Their parents only know and see the small house as reality. They are taught nothing more. Everything they experience, all their beliefs and mental programs tell them that reality is this one small house. As long as they do not believe, they cannot see a different reality. Imagine now that something happens and they are shocked out of their stance and beliefs. They briefly catch a glimpse of a bigger reality beyond the small house. This is the beginning of expanded awareness. They are shocked, even amazed. They might even question their own beliefs; perhaps there is more than the small house. They even share with others about this new reality that they have seen. Everyone invalidates them, shames them, even mocks them. They begin to doubt what they experienced. This is what is happening on your planet right now in a big way. People are being shocked out of their stance of what’s real. When no one believes them, they doubt their own experience. It then becomes frightening, it is fearful and they have a tendency to run back into the small house rather than explore the new reality. Another example here, you have the television in your home; even though it is turned off at this time you could simply activate it and there would be a program or news or movie. There are various selections and offerings here to view, different realities so to speak. Imagine all the assembled electronic equipment called TV, is much like your brain. You can switch the channels, you can find a memory of the past which invokes emotions or you can review a channel of your worries or you can envision and get a sense of your possible futures. Yet you are still in the small house, or you are still in the box of the TV. You are still in your small mind; you are still in your beliefs about this limited reality. We are encouraging you to step out the door and embrace the countless realities that are only a frequency/a vibration away. Allow yourself to imagine traveling to the stars. Allow yourself to imagine being a tree, a rock, or some animal, what might that feel like. Allow yourself to see energy in its different forms without an overlay of your beliefs. Allow yourself. It is a practice. It is an intention. Allow your imagination to be free. There is much assistance being given at this time to awaken humanity to the rich tapestry of multi-realities. It is a bigger playground…a freer playground. It is riding the energy flow, it is reading the energy signature of the moment. It is opening the door to all possibilities and stepping into an awesome new awareness of being unlimited. As a multidimensional being and a galactic citizen, now think of the size of your playground. As you increase your personal vibration and frequency you operate at a higher resonance. This invites the expanded reality; the bigger playground is open to you. Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to ride into realities of wonder and awe. Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to move from one dimension to another. Be at peace, Beloved the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
We are inviting you and those like you, Bright Ones, for it is your light, your energy, your radiance that precedes you. These are times of great shifts and changes on your planet. This is on every level and at every stage. You can sense or feel it. You can observe all the negative energy being flushed up to be transformed. This negative energy is causing much distress, fear and alarm. It is being out-pictured in the events and happenings around your world. This energy is most difficult and painful for those who are extremely empathic and sensitive. Know that your sensitivity is your gift. When you feel these negative and misqualified energies, it is your birthright and responsibility to transform them. Remember you are true masters of energy, you are alchemists, here at this time to shift and uplift all on this planet and in this limited dimension to a higher frequency of love and grace. Since you are always connected to everyone and everything you have the power to invite and envision a different reality. Everyone is more aware of the total connectedness. Your internet is serving as an example of communication, like the energy communication from other dimensions. Earth is very much like the reflection in physical matter of the energetic patterns and geometric shapes carried by the frequencies, the vibrations through the dimensions. Think of the dimensions not so much as going up as more like nested together, one inside the other, each in turn affecting the other. What happens in the galaxy is manifest on your planet. What happens on your planet (in the form of energy from mass consciousness) ripples and is received by the galaxy. It is all one. You, as a human with a body, carry within yourself a reflection of the stars, moon and sun. You carry an aspect, a reflection, an interface with the galaxy. Remember this is a game of evolution, a game of consciousness, a game which allows all energetic signatures to be experienced. You as human are like the most sophisticated, refined, highly developed probe that could be designed. You are information gatherers, sensing, feeling and ever expanding from Divine Mind. Planet earth has been a wonderful extension of Divine Mind. The human body co-joined by spirit, interfacing with all possibilities, all emotional experiences, all thought forms is the incredible journey and opportunity in which those in non-physical form long to participate. The human body co-joined by spirit has amazing capabilities that have not even been revealed until this time. There are those with whom these abilities have been more visible and they are called your avatars, your divine ones, your Christ conscious beings. All humans have the same connections, the same abilities, the same qualities and the same programs to work with energy and this physical reality in a more advanced, aware, awake way. You are beginning to recognize that you are descendants of the stars. You are one of those selected to be in the wave of this group experience. You have transformed other planets on the timeline. You are a master of energy, frequency and vibration. You were selected to receive the golden ticket to be present and anchor the reality of the great awakening. Your universe begins with you. Everything outside of your consciousness is an extension of you. You are Divine Mind ever expanding. You are a Divine Creator learning how to create in a dense, limited dimension. The goal is to realize and activate the latent abilities to align group energy and group mind with the galaxy and with mother earth, all in one energetic flow of nested realities. The energies of the galactic center have been offering intense frequencies to awaken humanity. These energetic infusions are offering new patterns and downloads, minute by minute. These high activations and frequencies expand your divine awareness and consciousness. More and more humans are waking up and realizing that they are more than their physical body and life. They are being triggered to be open to their own amazing abilities; they are sensing their true connection and oneness with all. Many of you are experiencing being more telepathic, hearing guidance within your own mind and heart that you know without doubt to be true. Many of you are experiencing moments in which you disappear and then are jolted back to your physical form. Often you have a brief memory of where you have traveled and often that is still a mystery. Trust us, these out of body experiences will become more real and you will be able to recall where you have traveled. Trust the process. The energy consciousness of Divine Mind vibrates, moves, shifts and flows through all. Each one is responsible to awaken and realize their part in this energetic flow. Each one is responsible for the thoughts, feelings and actions that are put forth into this grid. Do you put forth fear, hatred, chaos or joy, love and peace. Each moment it is your choice as to what you send forth. Practice sending forth only your best. Practice breathing, walking, sleeping and interacting in joy, love and peace. You have our blessings. Be at Peace, Beloved. the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available This is the time to reset and focus on the energy/vibration/intention of what you want to create in the field of all possibilities. We will continue to remind you of who you are as a divine multidimensional being. You are here on the planet to practice the art of creation. You are a citizen of the galaxy having a simple physical life in this third dimension. You are here at this time to assist this planet to shift and uplift consciousness. This dimension has been held in the grip of the low frequencies of fear, worry, hate and violence. When humanity is holding these low frequencies everyone is easily triggered and manipulated. Everything is energy and these emotional energies are contagious. So your mission is to remember that you are this powerful generator of energy. Your energy, your thoughts, your emotions are impacting the collective field always. There are patterns and programs which you have been given that are limiting. These patterns and programs have been handed down from generation to generation. They do not serve you. We are once again here to invite you to make a shift, to offer a higher energy vibration from a place of knowing who you are as a divine creator. We have watched you and others not truly understanding the importance of the path of joy. Realize that joy is a state of mind; it is a vibration unlike any other. Joy is an emotional sense of being alive…simply that. Humans have been programmed that to be joyful there must be a reason and the reasons are fleeting and brief. The concept of radiating joy as a constant is a bit difficult for you to imagine, especially when you have so much to “worry” about. Worry is a vibration of feeling powerless. Worry is a habit that is programmed into each earthwalker from birth. Unfortunately when you worry you are not in touch with your power as a divine creator of your life. Worry connects you to the mass consciousness grid. It is a control vibration. Your media, your leaders continue to feed or continue to keep your worry activated. This is especially true at this time. When you are in a state of worry you are not in your divine power and therefore you are easy to control and manipulate. This vibration of worry is a low, dense frequency that runs through your culture at all times. It is a constant hum in the background of your lives. Worry has many triggers; they are different for each individual. However there are universal worries that are programmed into the psyche. When you drop into a worried state of mind about anything: money, health, relationships, job, family dying, all the circuits within your system are at alert. The body responds to these negative energies. There is conflict within. There is no peace, there is no power and there is no joy. This state of mind is considered the norm for most people. This is a vibration that feels comfortable, it feels responsible. You should worry about things. What would happen if you didn’t worry, who would handle your life? So knowing that worry keeps you locked out of your power, keeps you powerless, what can you do about it, since it is so prevalent in your society and in your world? It is a part of the old belief structures and foundations that most everyone builds their life upon. We invite you to consider the energy, the vibration that worry actually triggers in your field, your mind and body. Worry is feeling uneasy or anxious; when you worry you torment yourself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts. To entertain worry is to be tormented with annoyances, be heavyhearted with cares, anxieties, despair, or dread. To worry is to strangle or harass yourself. When you worry you are actually inviting, calling forth, creating a reality of the very thing you are worrying about. We invite you to investigate what you worry about. Be honest with yourself here. Notice what worries you acquired from your parents? What worries are triggered by others? What worries do you feel powerless to change? What worries feel like they are a part of this limited reality? What worry patterns did you acquire from your religions, your education? These worry energies are creating more of the same. Now is the time to make a conscious shift. The energy that is being given to your planet from the celestial beings is available to support and assist you in making this tremendous shift in consciousness. First comes awareness, then come dedication and intention, next come focus, attention and willingness and next comes practice. Worry is so ingrained in this hologame that letting go of worry patterns is the task of a master. Begin to allow a healing to take place with any and all insecurities that hold the framework of your worries. We are offering you a tool that will support you in your endeavor. We would like you to sense and welcome joy, welcome gratitude. Let yourself examine the feeling of joy, the feeling of gratitude. When are you filled with joy? What are you grateful for? What are the conditions? What is the situation? Ask yourself if you have ever truly experienced pure joy? Notice when and what were the circumstances. You might also notice when you feel joy that you also feel gratitude. We would invite you to practice the awareness of joy and gratitude, being in the vibration, the feeling, the emotion of joy and gratitude. Your body chemistry will change when you bring an awareness of joy/gratitude into your moments. Over time you will understand that joy/gratitude is a natural state of being. It is a vibrational way out of the mass consciousness grid. It is the ladder, the rope, the lifejacket. Remember that you are the transformer of dense misqualified energies. Remember that you have a profound impact on the collective consciousness of this planet. When you express your joy and your gratitude of being alive and in a physical body you are enacting the energy of a divine master aware of who you are and your mission in this reality. The offering of joy and gratitude opens the door to the higher dimensions and welcomes miracles, blessings and synchronicities into your life. When you learn to feel, sense, experience joy/gratitude as the dominant vibration in your life, you are free. When you hold a joy/gratitude vibration more often than any other emotion you are in a position of powerful creating. You are in the divine flow. You are open and receptive. Again we say ‘Be in Your Joy’. the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
This energy coming upon your planet from the cosmic offerings is certainly triggering the personal limitations, the old patterns and behaviors within each earthwalker. This energy can and often does feel uncomfortable. We have observed that when it feels uncomfortable, humans project those feelings onto others or on to conditions in their reality. Be aware when you do this and stop yourself. This is a time and a period of the dissolving the old structures, the dismantling of all that is out of integrity and harmony of the whole. We invite you to be ever mindful when you are feeling uncomfortable about some situation in your life or in the news to pause and take a deep breath. Realize that the energies that are triggering these feelings within are actually supporting and encouraging you to create and welcome a new reality. We are inviting you to be bold with your thoughts and your imagination. This is truly the time for you to step into your power and remember that it is your thoughts and intentions that create and welcome this higher dimension. Continue to ask yourself, what do I want to create and have manifest in my life and in the world? Welcome these cosmic energies however they come upon you and saturate your life. Welcome this energy as the true gift that it is. Know in your heart of hearts that you are here to anchor this cosmic energy. Sit quietly, eyes closed and imagine energy pouring gently into your crown. Just allow this galactic gift to infuse you with personal remembering of who you are as a divine multidimensional being. Know that you carry divine consciousness within. Never doubt that. Realize that if you have created and animated a physical body in this reality, there is nothing that you cannot create. We realize that your physical body allows you to interface with your reality. Your body allows you to feel sensations and emotions. Your physical body appears to be solid and locked into this third dimension. You are becoming more aware of the limitations of your physical body. You are becoming aware of the limited programs that your mind and ego honors. You are becoming aware that this primitive viewpoint maintains your limitations of not seeing beyond this dimension. Take a moment to pause in your busyness and acknowledge that perhaps there is a possibility that you could shift and welcome the idea of stepping into the fifth dimension awareness. It is the simple task of remembering. The dimensions are levels of consciousness. Our purpose here today with our message is to encourage and remind you that you are a galactic being and made of pure divine energy. You are in your physical body here on this planet to remember how to create especially how to create in an energy field of unconscious limitation. Unfortunately you use your gifts of being empathic, of being sensitive and you match the energy of this field and believe in these limitations. You become the victim of all the negative and misqualified energies you experience or witness. We are here to tell you that you can step out of these patterns. You can claim your personal power as a divine creator and begin to create a new reality. You can honor this truth and allow yourself to recall who you really are. You can allow yourself to remember that there is a higher frequency consciousness inside your physical body. You are a galactic being here at this time to anchor this cosmic energy and transduce this energy into a form that other earthwalkers will be triggered to remember as truth as well. You are the game changer. You are here to assist your beloved planet and her citizens with the ascension process. Remember that your imagination is your superpower. We invite you to begin to imagine the energy of the fifth dimension, the energy field in which your thoughts and feelings manifest for the highest good for all. Imagine a world that is in harmony within itself. Imagine a world in which there is wholeness and health for everyone. Imagine a world that honors one another and all of nature. Imagine a world in which there is clean air and clean water. Imagine a world in which there is peace within the communities and the countries. You can travel to the fifth dimension by expanding your consciousness. You can experience the energy of the fifth dimension with its infinite possibilities and ideas. You can bring that energy and those ideas into this third dimension as a transducer and offer them to the collective. Others will pick up these ideas of how to clear your waters or your environment and be able to execute them for the good of all. Remember that you are powerful beyond measure. Remember that you are sacred. Remember that everyone is also sacred. Remember that everyone is a divine multidimensional being who has forgotten this truth and is living with limitations, wounds and fear. It is powerful as this divine being to remember to create with love and compassion. It is these higher vibrations of harmony, love, forgiveness and peace expressed in your words, thoughts and actions that transform your reality. It is this powerful conscious energy that is destined to be successful. So be bold and be clear about who you are at this time. Be courageous as you step into your power as the magnificent divine creator that you are. We are honored to be your witness and your support as you continue to make a difference in your reality. Invite us always to join you as you do this work and invite us to join you as you play. the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available
When humanity experienced all their normal activities removed, they were forced to make a shift within their own being. The isolation and the stillness that was provided caused a pause to take place within each individual human and also with the entire collective of human experience. It was not just an experience felt by a few, it was an experience felt by everyone. This shutdown, this still point, was the pause in preparation for the next stage of your own personal evolution as well as the evolution of humankind. There are still pockets of resistance; there are still those who insist that their point of view is the only way. There are those who are engaged in actively keeping negative and misqualified energies charged. There are those holding on to the old paradigms and old limited programs. There are those who continue to honor hatred and prejudice. Their actions make up most of your news broadcasts. However there are other events that are not making the news. These events and energies are truly magnificent and awesome. They are subtle yet extremely powerful. Many individual earthwalkers are feeling these energies; they might not have words to explain what they are feeling, yet they know something is certainly different. There is a new cycle of existence that is being birthed. Your planet is undergoing a tremendous shift of evolution. There is an awakening taking place in the consciousness of individuals and groups of individuals. This awakening is contagious. These transcendental energies are being felt by everyone. Ancient wisdom is being revealed; hidden mysteries of nature and the powers latent in humankind are being triggered. Everything in nature is but the materialization of spirit. It is being revealed that there are other levels of consciousness and beingness that are wanting to interact with humanity and your planet. This is a reality that many have believed yet never was there proof of this possibility. We might say celebrate what is coming, yet perhaps it is best to buckle your seat belt and prepare for takeoff. Your planet and all its inhabitants are in for a wild ride. There are numerous solar flares and cosmic downloads being presented. These waves of cosmic energy are triggering everyone to wake up. These energies are invitations for humanity to rise up beyond form and take its place as co-creator in the creative process. You are being reminded that you are a divine being who has experienced a multitude of experiences on the timeline in other star systems. You must remember that you carry latent, veiled packets of light that are coded in your very DNA. These packets of light are being activated and awakened. They have perhaps been dormant within you, awaiting just the right moment of powerful cosmic energy to trigger them to come forth. Many of you have been drawn to visit special ancient sites and countries, never truly realizing that these sites or the energies of these countries were triggering your codes of light. Many of you have read books that came into your life at just the right moment causing you to make a major shift in how your viewed your world or your personal experiences. Consider for a moment that these are not accidental happenings; you have been on the path of your own personal awakening since you took your first breath. Realize that your divine lineage, your star lineage, has been coded to hold the frequency intended at this particular time. Realize that there are personal codes and gifts. However, we are speaking of codes of light that have a planetary benefit for humanity. This is what is being activated within you. You are a master; you came to this planet to assist in the evolution of consciousness at this time. This planet is being readied to move to a higher dimension and frequency. This can only happen when humanity as a whole is ready. The fifth dimension energies are pressing upon your very reality. This understanding and awakening is stirring within you. This past shutdown that you experienced allowed you to consider the possibility that negativity and misqualified energies do not serve. As a divine master you have known far different experiences and have lived in another dimension or star system in which divine grace, love and spiritual light was the true frequency field. This might be one of the reasons that you never felt comfortable here in this dimension on planet earth. We say to you now, you are here to anchor the truth of divine grace, love and spiritual light. You are here to anchor peace on earth. You are here to heal your wounds. You are here to transform any and all negative and misqualified energies you have experienced. Be in your joy. Be grateful of being alive. Be grateful for being fully embodied. Ask yourself each day how can I make this day the best I have experienced. Make a point of living from your heart. Make a point of forgiving others and healing all past hurts. You have the awesome ability to make each day, actually each moment, your very best. Stay conscious, stay present in the moment. Be kind to yourself and to others. Give yourself grace and recognize your blessings. Practice the spiritual and the physical activities that enliven you. Remember to love yourself. We love you and extend our deep gratitude for your courage to be here at this time of tremendous change and challenges. You are doing great work. Please allow yourself to be acknowledged. We are your friends and are always available to support and assist you. Call upon us and all the other divine beings and masters of light. the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available.
You are an important part of the surge. You are a multidimensional being awakening to your mission. This global hibernation has offered you and others the invitation to raise your vibrations. It has reminded you that it is time to step up in your personal spiritual evolution. Since the planet has been closed down to most normal activities, everyone has been pushed against the very edge of their comfort. It has been most difficult for many, being alone and away from all their normal distractions and busyness. It has forced individuals to face and encounter their many fears and insecurities. This long time lock down has given those the opportunity to begin to heal what has usually been avoided. You have had to sit with and face your inner demons, negative patterns and memories. We are pleased to acknowledge that you have truly transformed these energies. You are part of the awakened consciousness that is coming forth at this time. Remember that you are an electromagnetic being emitting a frequency. You will call forth only those things and experiences that are on the same frequency that you are offering. Begin to pay attention to every single person, event or circumstance in your day because it is telling you what frequency you are vibrating. Everything is entangled. As your physical world begins to reopen, be aware that there is an infusion of fresh new energies that need to be anchored. It is time to be the midwife and birth a new reality. You are witnessing the conflict between the old paradigm and what wants to be birthed. It is time for you to re-set, re-start and re-focus as many times as you need to. Step out of your old patterns, your old routines. We invite you to realize that you cannot go back to the way it was before the global lockdown because the way it was does not exist anymore. So you have the awesome privilege to witness as well as create something that is entirely new and fresh. Step aside, make room and welcome into your life this unexpected newness that is coming forth. There is a field of all possibilities, step into that field, play in that field. Choose to believe in sudden miracles and unexpected blessings. Allow your small limited mind to gently expand into the vastness of what is possible. Realize that you will constantly have to choose between the old and the new, what is safe or unexpected. Know that you are being guided and trust your inner guidance that is coming to you in many forms and in many ways. Be kind to yourself and to others. Be sure that you stay hydrated, rest often, meditate and move gently, do your best to eat organic foods and to consciously transform your negative reactions and emotions. Allow yourself to use the superpower of your imagination. Spend a few minutes each day with your eyes closed and allow yourself to envision something brand new, invent the space, play with the idea of shape shifting. Imagine as clearly as possible, what it might be like to be a bird in flight, feel the wind against your wings, see the landscape below. Make this experience so real that when you are finished you feel refreshed, renewed. Allow yourself the possibilities of shape shifting into any creature. In your imagination allow yourself to travel to many of the beautiful places on earth, perhaps to one of the sacred sites you have visited or have longed to visit. In your mind's eye see yourself there, feel the energy that is offered by that sacred place. Now offer your energy to that sacred site as a gift. Imagine that your gift activates this site to a new level as well. Imagine and allow yourself to travel to any place in the universe, to any star system or galaxy. You are a multidimensional being of light, you are a starseed being. All of this is possible. Now imagine a new world. What would you create if anything was possible? Allow yourself to see it and feel it, to sense it in every conceivable idea. Allow yourself to imagine an entirely new medical paradigm where there is an awareness that humans can heal themselves. Imagine a new financial paradigm where the financial well being of all humans is considered. Imagine new ways to clean and clear pollution in your water and your air. Imagine awesome solutions coming forth that support humans to thrive and expand into their incredible awesome star self. Don't give up. Keep envisioning the good. Keep showing up. Keep loving. Keep giving back. Keep being kind. Keep being brave. Keep caring. Keep trying new things. Keep showing grace. Keep on. Your energy, your intention and your imagination truly makes a difference. You are luminous. You are powerful and you are here at this time to seed this new opening, this collective awakening with these wonderful possibilities. Remember to include us in your work and intentions. Invite us and other divine beings to support and assist you as you seed your future with new patterns and achievable goals. We bow to you in gratitude for your work and service. the 'team' ©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available. |
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February 2023