This new "Own SELF" encompasses not only our body, but it also encompasses all the Chakras that appear to be awakening within US. Also, as this "new you" begins to grow within your High Heart, your "sense of SELF" expands further and further above, beyond your "old SELF". It is this inner expansion of our Inner SELF that awakens our Crown Chakra and awakens our Third Eye, which awakens our Throat Chakra, which awakens our HEART CHAKRA. To remember that we, humans, are here now TO PROTECT OUR DEAR PLANET GAIA. The real reason for these awakenings of our Chakras is to remind humanity that something new is coming into our reality. What is that something new? We hear you ask. However, we cannot hear the answer from outside of you because the "something new". More and more of you is to change. In fact, this change is that more and more of you is FEELING AN INNER CHANGE INSIDE OF YOURSELF. Some people are feeling the change very slowly so that they can get used to this feeling of change. Other people are just SUDDENLY feeling that something has changed, but they don't know what it is. In fact, Within this NOW, more and more people are realizing that this "change" comes from within them. And then, very slowly, or maybe very swiftly, they feel like, and act like, somehow they have changed and they have changed from within! As with all changes there is often a feeling of fear, and that fear may actually assist them in looking DEEPER AND DEEPER inside. They wish to go deeper inside themselves, because they know that it is the NOW to realize that Earth, dear Sister Gaia, has many other friends who are getting ready to visit Her! That visit may feel frightening to those who do not like what is different, are frightened by change, and especially frightened by something that is NEW! They are afraid of what is new because they are afraid of change! Fortunately, change often feels like a long breath that assists them to begin to feel more of the world around them, more of the world that is inside them. When they begin to realize that they can set the pace of this change, it is no longer as intimidating. In fact, this change often feels like a long, slow, deep breath. It is after that long, slow, deep breath that you will likely begin to feel that this change does NOT come from outside of you. NO, this change begins inside, hopefully inside from your Heart! When this inner change begins in your Heart Chakra, it can slowly, or sometimes quickly, begin to expand into your other Chakras. This initiation begins in your Heart as you must love yourself before you can love the ability to change. Change begins in your Heart to assist you to allow yourself to TRUST yourself and believe that you can LOVE yourSELF! It is when your Heart begins to open in an accepting and calming manner that you will be able to share this loving sensation within yourself and with others. As more and more of you send those loving changes into the Higher Dimensional Worlds, as well as deep into the Core of Gaia, the love and light of the ONE of the NOW will be shared by ALL! Blessings, Suzanne Lie, PhD A Personal Reading with the Arcturians
Suzanne is a Doctor of Psychology and a life-long channeler and life guide. After a very successful career as a family therapist for more than two and a half decades, Dr. Lie has been channeling hundreds of personal readings during the past years. She is well known as the real deal! Personal Readings from the Arcturians and other Galactic Beings through Suzanne Lie, PhD, are $125. All readings will be for one hour. What would you like to talk about? Get a head start on your personal mission and connect with the Arcturians. Book today! Please e-mail Sue at [email protected] Comments are closed.
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February 2023