By Leona Thomas So many songs have been written about love. Instinctively we know the truth of The Power of Love. Yet most of us miss the point, and hence the power, because of our cultural and family experiences. From an early age, most children are typically shown that if they do something wrong the love is withdrawn. They are ignored or punished. When they are being good they are showered with praise. The love flows again. Because of this early training many of us have confused love with approval. We instinctively copy that early template. What would happen if we reverted to our original template? The one we came in with. The one we brought with us as we birthed our new body… If we truly remembered the original love template we would light up this world one heart at a time. Humans talk a lot about Unconditional Love although few have practiced it. It is easy to love somebody who is sweet and well-behaved. Now, can you love one who just murdered your child? Contrary to popular opinion, Divine Love is not Unconditional Love. This is an oxymoron. Divine Love just is. There has not, and never will be, any condition vile enough to cause that Love to waver. Even Adolf Hitler was loved and adored by the Company of Heaven. He had guides and angels with him and he did listen. When he died he went to Heaven. This is a simplified version, of course, but it is Truth nevertheless. And the gift that Adolf Hitler brought to humanity, should they choose to look past the details of his behavior and actions in that lifetime, provides perhaps the greatest teaching of all. In 2011 I was on a visit to my old home town of Ipswich, in England, when I was inspired to attend the Sunday service at the Quaker Meeting House. We all made our way into the main Meeting Room and the service began. It started like any other. I had been to this place 3 times in 2005 so I was aware of the routine. The Quakers believe that we do not need a Minister or a Priest to talk with God. They sit in silence for one hour and, if they feel guided, they stand up and speak. I always sat listening in silence. However, I soon discovered this was not to be an ordinary Meeting! The silence was first broken by a man talking about Adolf Hitler. He ended with one sentence about the love of Jesus and then sat down. I remember thinking, ‘Oh no! He stopped too soon. He didn't bring the whole message through!’ Soon after, the silence was broken again. The next man began talking of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin! He also ended with just one sentence about the love of Jesus. Again, I knew he had not brought the whole message through. He, too, had stopped too soon. The energy continued clockwise around the circle, coming closer to me. A third man spoke two sentences and sat down. Silence. A woman near to me yelled at the top of her voice, "I don't want this Meeting to be about Adolf Hitler! I want this Meeting to be about Jesus!" She sat down. The silence was deafening. After a while I noticed I could hear my heartbeat and it was loud and fast. I felt peaceful but had no idea what was happening. I soon found out. The Divine wanted me to speak! I stood and, with my eyes still closed, I allowed Spirit to speak through me. Because they were not my words I cannot repeat them exactly but I do recall the message: Jesus is as alive today as he was 2000 years ago. And Jesus forgives everybody - although technically he doesn't need to forgive anyone because he never stops loving them and never judges anybody. Jesus forgives Adolf Hitler for all that he did. And this should bring very great comfort to you all. Because if Adolf Hitler is forgiven for his actions then you can know that whatever it is that you think you have done that is so unforgivable - whatever that is, it cannot compare to the terrible things that Adolf Hitler did... As I sat down and the silence softly landed I could hear my heartbeat hammering in my chest. I remember thinking, 'please don't let anybody else stand up now. Just sit with the message!' Thankfully the silence continued to the end of the Meeting. Later, over coffee downstairs, one man told me he believed the Spirit of God had definitely spoken through me that day. He was right, of course. We all recognize Truth when we hear it. Is humanity ready to see Adolf Hitler as a gift? Probably not. I met a Born Again Christian in England who decided that if Adolf Hitler went to Heaven he didn't want to go there when he died! Judgment clouds our eyes, the gift obscured. Adolf Hitler was loved throughout his life by the Company of Heaven. We all are! That love is not withdrawn when we make our choices - no matter what we learned growing up. Adolf Hitler was welcomed in Heaven like the Prodigal Son. And no matter what you say or do in your life you also will be received in Heaven with Jubilation and Celebration! Let us pause for a moment to really absorb that information. There is no Divine punishment. That is merely a projection of human consciousness onto God. We are all loved and if we could let ourselves receive it, feel it, believe it and understand that it is absolute, then we would finally unlock the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. You can fight against those you disagree with. You can push against politicians who make choices you don’t approve of. But in so doing you set up an energy that keeps you both locked into that position. The greatest power is Love. If you can remember it is not approval and just hold the space of Love for those you disapprove of, you will enable them to come into alignment with their own Divinity and thus allow the greater possibility of a new choice or a higher consciousness to be born! Maybe we should listen more closely to some of the iconic songs. The Beatles knew what they were saying - All We Need Is Love. But not from the small part of us. It is time for us to step up into the Greatness of all that we are and shine that Divine Love through every cell of our body and allow the people around us to choose as they wish. It is time for us to know and trust in the true Power of Love – that it creates the perfect environment for soul driven change when the time is right... Love really is all we need. When we love so strongly and we shine so brightly that others have the possibility of new choices then a shift of consciousness becomes possible - not through coercion or even through teachings - but through the perfect Divine environment that allows each individual to better hear their own inner calling, that inner voice of their own sweet soul. All We Need Is Love. Truly, Love Is All We Need! Download our Magic of Being Quantum Meditations Comments are closed.
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February 2023