Immediately I saw and felt a thick ring of glowing white energy encircle my physical body, just outside my auric field. I felt instant relief. The ring of energy thinned as it expanded upward and downward at a rapid rate, and began glowing in the whitest white colour I've ever seen. It felt pure, powerful. The expansion continued until the light energy formed an egg shaped structure that completely surrounded me. I asked what this structure was, what was its purpose? The guides said the energy is the Creator's unconditional love formed into a protective shell. It prevents dark, dense energy from entering the Egg and affecting the auric/etheric fields and the physical body, which prevents what I had been feeling as a splintering effect, a feeling of weakness. After the placement of the Egg was complete, I felt...whole, strong, and hopeful again. I also noticed my auric colours were brighter than before. - quite stunning! I was told that the Egg's shell, even though it appears thin, contains an endless supply of the Creator's unconditional love energy. This energy may be 'borrowed' to be used, for example, by the physical body for healing, cleansing/clearing, or to provide extra energy at times when the physical body (any of our bodies for that matter) require more energy than usual to regain balance, strength, optimum health...the list is practically endless. Because each Egg is composed of the same unconditional love energy, they may make it easier for us to see past differences and accept commonalities amongst people, to understand/trust/forgive others no matter the race, religion, colour...of the person within the Egg. The Eggs promote inclusion and unity. The Guides created my Egg in answer to my request for help. For anyone reading this journal that wishes to receive their own Unconditional Love Energy Egg - the Creator's Gift of Love and Light to us all - you need only ask your guides of highest light (mine have also volunteered to help you - AA Michael, Jesus Sananda) through meditation/prayer/channeling and give the highest intent for yourself and All, that the Egg be created around your auric and etheric fields and your physical body for your______(you can state your reason/s for requesting the Egg). You may have your own tried and true means of manifestation that you prefer using. Just ensure you request 'The Creator's Unconditional Love Energy Egg', and that you make the request for your highest intent and the highest intent of All. The Guides also shared that if you wished to communicate with/reach out to others who have Eggs, just give intent that the unconditional love energy stored in your Egg reaches out to _____(you can state the specific name of someone you know, or the request can be made to a general audience). As the guides were explaining this process I saw a thin 'white cord' of energy reminding me of the tendril of a plant, begin reaching out from the top of an Egg then continue to grow longer with the intent of finding another/or specific Egg. I was told the energy tendrils would only touch/not break through the Eggs. They form connections (like fibre optic networks) to be used for 'personal or group calls'. The person consciously sending out the tendril can feel the energy activation as a tingling in their arms and palms and in their crown chakra. When the tingling starts, it is time to give your intent for reaching out and qualifying the intent as being of the highest purpose for All. The receiving person may or may not consciously receive the 'incoming love light energy', which is felt in their crown chakra. The person on the receiving end has the choice of blocking the energy or accepting it. This may be done at the conscious or subconscious level. We are being constantly bombarded by dense energy in many forms that is wearing us down, eroding our happiness and hope for the future, causing many to stop trying or to lash out. The Unconditional Love Energy Egg is a gift of love and light from the Creator for the people of Earth during this challenging period. Through this gift the Creator is telling us that 'we are not forgotten, we are valued, we are not alone, we are loved.' In loving service, Angelynne Comments are closed.
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February 2023