I speak from an energy source that is inexhaustible and that surrounds you all, one that flows around you and wants to awaken you to life – it is the source of life itself. It is your birthright to know you are held safely by this source, and to be taken up into that flow of energy and creativity, of ease, well-being, and lightheartedness. That is who you really are! Everything else is an illusion; a temporary veil obscuring your consciousness. Feel the energy field I represent. I am a part of it, just as are you. A vibrant, eternal energy field that renews itself and joyfully finds ever new ways to manifest itself; recognize yourself in it. You are free, you are independent of your earthly form, independent of time and space. You are an eternal being, although you tend to forget that in your everyday life here on Earth. You are prone to contract your consciousness, to limit yourself into believing in what you are told by people, believing in your upbringing, believing in the images you see around you in the culture in which you live. Very often these images constrict your consciousness, until you finally believe you are no more than this body, these cells, or your gender: female or male, or your job or role in society, or your role as a parent, man, or woman. Before you know it, your consciousness contracts and you forget where you come from and who you really are. For you to remember who you are is the basis for everything you wish to be and want in your life. That is the basis from which everything emerges. When you recall who you are, your life flows with ease and peace, from your natural strength, without effort. You all are present here because you somehow feel, in one way or another, that you desire to channel. That you want to open to a stream of energy which wants to come through you; that you want to give a voice to it, and to be a channel for it. This feeling, this desire that you have, is essentially a kind of homesickness, a desire to go Home. By channeling this stream that belongs to you, you feel at home in yourself and on Earth. You are then resting in the core of your being and you connect with both the Heavens and the Earth. That is what channeling means at its core: to give shape to your soul energy, to that which transcends your earthly self, to that which is greater than the earthly human form and which is not contained in a body in a contracted state. It is what wants to come to you and to flow through you. You have an earthly personality, shaped by the past and by what you have learned through the body that you have – your genetic predisposition – and then there is a stream that comes from Eternity, from your soul. That stream wants to dance with your earthly form. You could say it is a stream from the past, and is determined by the past, but which wants to make contact with the power of something greater – that which you could call the future. The future is not a set thing, it is an infinite multitude of possibilities, of potential. The word “future” stands for a great, spacious, potential possibility, and for freedom! And you want to make contact with that future as a human being who carries your legacy from the past within you, and this desire is the call of your soul. This is the interplay: on the one hand, between what is small and constricted in yourself, what has been contracted by the jump into the earthly sphere, and on the other hand, the openness to what is great; to that which is vast beyond understanding and is the Mysterious; to that which you truly are, independent of a form in time. This is the dance you can call channeling. It is therefore inevitable that an encounter takes place between what is great and what is small. Your earthly personality, at some point, is called by the soul and is challenged to let go of the old, restrictive, and negative beliefs about itself. Only then can the channel open and allow the vast and magnificent energy of who you really are to flow through you. That is channeling, and this process grounds you to the Earth. It basically means that you let go of your old self and emerge from your cocoon like a butterfly. That is why when you say, “I would like to do channeling”, or “I want to strengthen the connection with my guides”, in fact, this is a call from your soul telling you, “I want to embody on Earth more of what I really am”. When you say this, you take a step into the unknown, because you can only open this channel if you are also willing to see what has been veiled. The step that is being asked of you is, are you willing to change and to surrender to a process you can not grasp? I want to make that process of the meeting between the great self and the small self easier for you to perceive and to understand by way of an image of the energy centers which lie along the spine, which are also called chakras. You could envision your spine as a channel. At the top of your spine is your crown chakra, which is the energy center that opens to the cosmic, the universal, and from which you feel connected with the Whole and with your soul. Located at the bottom of your spine is your tailbone or base chakra. There, the energy is the most compacted, or "solid", and there you are completely part of the Earth, the material and the physical. Feel the difference, for a moment, between the energy of your crown, at the very top of your head, and of your tailbone, at the very bottom of your spine. You can sense how we are referring here to very different levels of being. To channel the energy of your deepest self through your body, this energy needs to go, as it were, down the steps of a ladder, from your top most chakra, the crown, to your bottom most chakra, the tailbone. You can see the literal image of a ladder descending along the spine, but I use that image in more of a symbolic way, because it is really about integrating your cosmic Self into your earthly self. It is true that many of you can make contact easily from your “higher” chakras, or energy centers, with what I might call the cosmic, that dimension beyond the Earth which can manifest itself in the form of a loving teacher, or guide, or angels, or your own Higher Self. Feel in yourself, the energy centers that lie at the crown of your head and between both eyes (the third eye is located there), and also those in your throat and your heart. These are the chakras located in the upper part of your body. Try to just make contact with this upper area of your body. You do not have to do anything, simply observe it and sense a spaciousness from where you connect with what you channel. Look at yourself in a very calm and neutral way to see what happens in this upper area of your body when you make contact with a guide or teacher, or your Higher Self. See how the energy fills you: your heart, your throat, your head, and your crown. Just observe yourself from a certain distance and see how that contact occurs. We now go down to the “lower” chakras. There are three energy centers located in the lower part of your body; one in the stomach, which is also called the solar plexus; one lower down in your abdomen, called the navel chakra; and then the lowest, the tailbone charka. Make contact with this area by descending consciously into it. You only have to be there, you need not do or change anything. Descend into your belly and then see if you can go even deeper, all the way down to your tailbone. Once you have made contact with this area, look at yourself while you are channeling, and have no doubt you are channeling. You all channel during moments of inspiration and confidence. Just imagine that you are now in such a moment. You have seen how the energy flows in the higher chakras. Now look at how the energy flows in the lower chakras at the moment you connect with the greater Self that wants to come into you. Can that energy flow down completely into the lower chakras? Can it be received even by the tailbone chakra? That is the question I want to put to you today. There is a place in your body that is often the dividing line between the upper and lower chakras, and that place is located between the heart and solar plexus chakras. This is the meeting place between the higher source you want to embody and the lower, contracted, earthly self. In the lower chakras are located the fears from the past, the discouragement, and the insecurity. See if you can observe that in yourself. Today, you all made contact with a source of energy in the temple you visited. There you met your guide or a part of your Higher Self. Call up once again this feeling you had, the contact you made there. That energy wants to belong to you, wants to come to you. See where that energy flow in your body is experiencing difficulty. Imagine, for a moment, that energy enters through your crown. Then it flows down through your third eye, your throat, and into your heart. Now, take a good look at how your solar plexus reacts to that energy. Is there a form of resistance, or protest, or fear at the dividing line between the upper and lower chakras? Next, look in your belly and see how the energy is received there. Are there certain feelings or ideas of “this may not “, or “this must not”, or “I can not”? Look also at your tailbone. Feel what might be there that blocks the receiving of this energy, and I ask you to observe the blocking with acceptance and caring, and not with judgment or criticism. The essence of the channeling process is precisely this: that the old meets the new; the past meets the energy of the future. What is contracted meets the energy of freedom. That happens in you the moment you open up and want to be a channel for your deepest self, your greater Self. Know that something repressed in the past will always rebel in you and will come up in the form of a negative thought or emotion. Do not condemn this. Praise yourself for daring to take on this process! That is being courageous, and that is being great! When you have found that blocked spot in yourself, go there with your attention. You can probably feel physically that place where you find it difficult to be open to your own greatness, that which is free and imperishable, and of the new and the future. Very gently surround that blocked part with a friendly, accepting energy, and simply send it an invitation. “Come with me”, you whisper softly, sweetly, and without demanding. Remember the energy you felt today in the meeting with your Higher Self or your guide. Allow that same energy to be with the part of you that is most blocked, and feel the warmth flow there. Everything is allowed there, including the fear, the anger, and the doubt. If you can continue being present, in love and in openness, then you open the channel more widely. The channel opens as wide as what is permitted by the part of you that is the most closed. Have patience and gentleness for what blocks you; it is there for a reason and it is welcome. Deep inside you all, without exception, resides a sense of unworthiness you have inherited from the energy that has long prevailed on Earth; an energy of manipulative power and oppression, and you all struggle with that legacy. Somewhere in your lower chakras you meet the conviction: “I'm not worthy; I'm not good enough as I am “; "I'm not yet deserving, because I've no yet made everything perfect"; and this is where the key lies for you all. Where you encounter that belief, you hit upon the main blockage that exists there. But the moment you find and experience it, you can let your light shine on it. And you do that with the opposite of that unworthy conviction. You confirm yourself, “I am worthy, I am good as I am, completely! I am beautiful and powerful!” Dare to compliment yourself! Dare to be proud of who you are and what you have already accomplished! And so the channel is opened with love – yes! Thank you for your attention. Mary Magdalene Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan © Pamela Kribbe www.jeshua.net You may also like An Interview with Pamela Kribbe Comments are closed.
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