Perhaps you are waiting until you have more knowledge, more money, more enlightenment. If so, you will always be waiting. What does it mean to see with new eyes? Whether you "awakened" suddenly or over a process of time, you began to "see" differently. What I want you to understand is that life is all about awakening All The Time! Awakening is a constant process. We are always seeing with new eyes, if we look. The secret is to look. We forget, considering ourselves the spiritually awakened, to KEEP LOOKING. When we do this, when we keep looking, we are always seeing with new eyes. Consciousness is ever unfolding. The world is made new in every moment. As this revelation happens in our spirit, we become beholders. We see and experience Life in a new way. We see the grandeur and the majesty of Life happening all around us. We see it in the miracle of Spring, the miracle of rebirth and the miracle of renewal. We see it in the joy of our own being when the Sun shines after days and days of cloudy gray weather. We see it in the light of our own being that we experience in deep meditation. We feel it in the ineffable peace in the core of our being. As we delve deeper and deeper into the mysteries of life, we begin to connect the dots. As we connect the dots, we begin to clear a path, our priorities change, our focus shifts and we begin to see differently. The world is made new because we see it differently. Everything changes. Life as we knew it begins to grow distant, because this life that we now see draws us to experience it, to know it. We want to gobble it up, this new world, this new way of seeing. We want to slather it all over us, like liquid velvet. We want to absorb it and be absorbed by it. Look within the wave of your own being to know the ocean. See with new eyes and become a beholder! Dreama Vance is a New Reality wellness expert and co-founder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy. While her insights into spiritual truths are legendary, her specialty is research into effective methods of healing and attaining wellness of mind, body and spirit. After years of exploring healing modalities, she has become expert in three that are highly powerful and effective. Her current research involves tuning into Gaia, the Mother Earth, to discover more about the inner secrets of Gaia's ancient wisdom teachings as well as receiving and documenting information on the New Energy from Saint Germain. Comments are closed.
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February 2023